
Test code for the Infineon PSoC 62

Primary LanguageRust


A demo project for the CY8C624ABZI-S2D44A0 SoC, as fitted to the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping kit.

Schematic: https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-CY8CPROTO-062-4343W_Schematic-PCBDesignData-v01_00-EN.pdf?fileId=8ac78c8c7d0d8da4017d0f010c6d183a


There are multiple binary crates in this repository. There are multiple cores in this SoC.


  1. Install correct Rust targets for both cores.

    rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
    rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
  2. Make sure you have GDB installed.

  3. Make sure your openocd installation is the patched version from Infineon. Regular off-the-shelf won't work. Download the Toolset from Infineon. We used Version for this work.

  4. Export the correct environment variable for openocd

    export OPENOCD_ROOT=/where/you/installed/infineon/openocd

    Please make sure this is available to all shell/terminal processes, so it is good to set this in your "rc".

Run a Cortex-M4F binary

  1. Open terminal

    # The scripts path might be different depending on whether you
    # have built and installed Infineons openocd yourself or if
    # have downloaded the pre-built Cypress toolset. This tutorial
    # assumes the latter.
    # Make sure you are in this repo
    cd /path/to/checkout/of/psoc-experiments
    ${OPENOCD_ROOT}/bin/openocd -s ${OPENOCD_ROOT}/scripts
  2. Open another terminal

    # Make sure you are in this repo
    cd /path/to/checkout/of/psoc-experiments
    # If you have another installation of GDB,
    # e.g. Ubuntu calls its GDB `gdb-multiarch`, set
    # `export RUST_GDB=gdb-multiarch`
    export RUST_GDB=arm-none-eabi-gdb
    cd psoc6-cm4-hello-world
    cargo run --release

Run a Cortex-M0+ binary

  1. Open terminal

    # The scripts path might be different depending on whether you
    # have built and installed Infineons openocd yourself or if
    # have downloaded the pre-built Cypress toolset. This tutorial
    # assumes the latter.
    # Make sure you are in this repo
    cd /path/to/checkout/of/psoc-experiments
    ${OPENOCD_ROOT}/bin/openocd -s ${OPENOCD_ROOT}/scripts
  2. Open another terminal

    # Make sure you are in this repo
    cd /path/to/checkout/of/psoc-experiments
    # If you have another installation of GDB,
    # e.g. Ubuntu calls its GDB `gdb-multiarch`, set
    # `export RUST_GDB=gdb-multiarch`
    export RUST_GDB=arm-none-eabi-gdb
    cd psoc6-cm0-hello-world
    cargo run --release

So if you want your code to run outside of the debugger, compile it for the Cortex-M0+ (thumbv6m-none-eabi). Also if you want your code to run outside of the debugger, you can't use semihosting.

Run bootloader application

Check out psoc6-cm0-bootloader/README.md for instructions.

Misc. notes


The SVD file (and hence the PAC) describes all 187-odd interrupts. However, the Cortex-M0+ core only has 8 external and 8 internal interrupts. You therefore can't use the PAC in "rt" mode on the Cortex-M0+ core - the interrupt vector table won't fit.


Document AN215656 PSoC™ 6 MCU dual-core system design says:

After CM0+ executes the system and security code, it executes the application code. In the application code, CM0+ may release the CM4 reset, causing CM4 to start executing its application code.

When the system comes out of reset normally, the Cortex-M0+ starts executing from the on-board ROM and the Cortex-M4 is held in reset. The ROM bootloader will at some point jump to the reset routine defined in the vector table at the start of flash. However, it will not update the Cortex-M0+ VTOR register, so any exceptions or interrupts will still be pointing at the ROM and will not work. In practice this seems to cause a bounce off to random addresses and a double fault.

The mechanism described in AN215656 PSoC™ 6 MCU dual-core system design is:

  1. The ROM runs on Cortex-M0+.
  2. The ROM jumps to your reset routine in flash.
  3. The code running on the Cortex-M0+ should set up the Cortex-M4's VTOR, using a special Cypress system register (because the Cortex-M4's VTOR isn't available to the Cortex-M0+ as they are in the private core-local address range)..
  4. The code on the Cortex-M0+ should use the same block to take the Cortex-M4 out of reset.

So I imagine your firmware would look like:

0x1000_0000 +---------------------------+
            | Stack Ptr for Cortex-M0+  |
            | Reset Ptr for Cortex-M0+  |
            | Exceptions for Cortex-M0+ |
            ¦ ...                       ¦
            | Interrupts for Cortex-M0+ |
            ¦ ...                       ¦
            | Code/Data  for Cortex-M0+ |
            ¦ ...                       ¦
0x1001_0000 +---------------------------+
            | Stack Ptr for Cortex-M4   |
            | Reset Ptr for Cortex-M4   |
            | Exceptions for Cortex-M4  |
            ¦ ...                       ¦
            | Interrupts for Cortex-M4  |
            ¦ ...                       ¦
            | Code/Data  for Cortex-M4  |
            ¦ ...                       ¦

Your Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 binaries will need different memory.x files so they each get their own piece of RAM and Flash, and you then need to join them together. You could do that as a hex-merge, or by including the Cortex-M4 firmware as a static [u8; nnnn] within the Cortex-M0+ firmware, located within an appropriate section so it is linked into memory in the Cortex-M0+ binary at the same place the Cortex-M4 linker thought it was going to be.


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