
Request mocker for puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Do I need that thing?

If you are writing puppeteer tests, and you want to mock your network responses easily – probably yes.

How to use

import mocker from 'puppeteer-request-mocker'

await mocker.start()

// async stuff which is making requests

await mocker.stop()

How it works

First, puppeteer-request-mocker intercepts puppeteers page requests and tries to find its body in mocks folder. Generated filename depends on url, method and postBody – so, you always know, do you have a mock for that particular request or not. If you have it – you will get it as a response, instantly. If not – request will go to the real backend (see also: mockList and okList).

Second, puppeteer-request-mocker intercepts all responds, and writes them to the filesystem, if they are not on it already. In case of CI (and if mock was not found), it throws an error, so you could be sure – all your requests are mocked (or build will fail otherwise).

puppeteer-request-mocker only listening for whitelisted domains (which are all except localhost by default).


You could use options


All options are optional (that's why they called so).

const options = {
  // Absolute path to folder where you want to store mocks
  // process.cwd() + '/__remocks__' by default
  workDir: __dirname,

  // puppeteer page
  // global.page by default
  page: page,

  // In some cases you could have some random GET params, which are not affect the response body
  // but several params may be important for you (White List)
  // [] by default
  queryParams: ['important'],

  // In some cases you could have some random GET params, which are not affects the response body
  // but could lead to `always out of date` mocks (Black List)
  // [] by default
  skipQueryParams: ['randomId', 'timestamp'],

  // Same as skipQueryParams but for post body params
  // Only application/json MIME type is supported
  skipPostParams: ['randomId', 'timestamp'],

  // Probably you dont want to mock some requests (e.g. cdn js files)
  // And you definitely dont want to mock your webapp requests (e.g. localhost/app.js)
  // So, you could explicitly whitelist urls you want to mock
  // _all except localhost_ if both – mockList and okList – were not set
  // Could be an array, or a `,` delimited string
  mockList: 'my-backend.org/used/by/test',

  // It is recommended to explicitly mock only _critical-for-your-test_ urls
  // But you could also mock with simple 200-OK response some other requests,
  // which are not critical, but should be intercepted
  // (to prevent ddos-effect to your real backend, for example)
  // All items from mockList have higher priority over okList
  // Could be an array, or a `,` delimited string
  okList: ['my-backend.org/not/critical/for/test'],

  // Run as CI if true. That means, your tests will fail if any of the requests were not mocked
  // Default is `is-ci` package value (same as in Jest)
  ci: require('is-ci'),

Both mocker.start() and mocker.stop() return a Promise.