This solution provides a basis for your Power BI monitoring needs, based on the newly released Admin APIs. I created the solution in Power Automate and in Powershell for you, choose one!
Benefits of the new API:
- It's easy to setup: only an application registration in Azure AD, security group and Power BI Admin setting, no per workspace permissions required
- It's easy to use: no signed in user (delegation), and thus easy to consume within Power Automate without custom connectors (HTTP connector is premium though)
- More secure: no admin account necessary and read-only
- It's fast! I read almost 6000 workspaces including metadata within minutes.
For more information about the new API, check this blog post:
In short, what the solution does:
- Retrieve list with workspace Ids which have been modified since a given date, or a full report.
- Split workspaces in batches of 100 and request details.
- Retrieve details in separate loop, since the API is asynchronous.
- Output to JSON file.
The solution has one dependency
- Created an application registration (WITHOUT API permissions in Azure AD), put in a security group and have the security group in the Power BI Admin settings enabled for the use of the read-only Admin APIs, see blog post mentioned above.