Ferry is a Kubernetes multi-cluster communication component that eliminates communication differences between clusters as if they were in a single cluster, regardless of the network environment those clusters are in.
- AltarIbnLIluvatar CoreX
- bill-ding007
- calvin0327Baidu
- CoderTH@DaoCloud
- curiousleerBeijing
- cyclinder@DaoCloud
- dasu23
- EntraptaJKitchener
- grace522
- Guanjinnanpactera
- hang-ren
- hangscer8Shanghai , China
- huangjianye
- learner0810
- lemontrees123
- lengrongfuChengdu Sichuan China
- mengjiao-liuDaoCloud
- morlayChengdu, China
- MorningSunKingDaoCloud
- muma378Shanghai
- pacoxu@DaoCloud Co,.Ltd, Shanghai
- Stella0621
- suning0
- violetnutwall
- Virgo-jiajia
- weilaaa@kubernetes
- wzshiming@DaoCloud
- xs-cw@home
- yankayDaoCloud
- yaolixin-creater
- ycsk02VectorCloud
- yke007
- YunShiHang
- yxxhero@kubernetes @helmfile @gitlab.cn @helm @dragonflyoss
- zackzhangkai@kubernetes @istio
- zizhufanqing