Venom121212's spacer for moon gear drives and MBS trucks

A custom 3d printable one piece spacer for moon gear drives by Venom21212

Moon's gear drives require appropraite spacers between the wheel plate and the drives. On MBS trucks this spacing varies from truck to truck.

Venom121212 designed a custom 3d printable spacer.

meant to replace the spacers you need to use due to mbs tolerance differences, not anything moon did.

added benefit that it also keeps the V ring from slipping away from the case for any reason

fessyfoo implemented a parametric version in OpenSCAD as well as a batch1 version. and generated a range of sizes.


STLs are available in the STL subdirectory


venom spacer.jpg spacer2.jpeg batch1 spacer less than 6mm batch1 spacer more than 6mm batch1 wheel plate

license CC BY-SA

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-shareAlike 4.0