
Cyrup: sugar excess programming language

Primary LanguageLexMIT LicenseMIT


Cyrup that may trigger syntactic diabetes.

    stdio.print("hello world")

All syntaxes are defined with only a few special characters, not even a keyword.

Declaration :

There are a few basic rules.

  1. : is used for all kinds of declaration.
  2. expressions after the : means data.
  3. every data has its own representation.

Example declarations below:

f:(d:int, e:int){
    => d + e

Using declared data is the same as the other computer languages we're used to.

  • a = b assigns 2 to a variable
  • c.equals(a) : returns true
  • f(a, b) : returns a + b = 3

Conditional ?

if statement has been replaced with ?.

It's not the ternary operator condition? x : y. There is only one operand required after ?, like condition? x.

There is no else or :. We use || instead. Append "|| y" behind the preceding conditional expression. It'll reach there when the condition is false.

(a > b) ? {
    diff = a - b
} || (a < b) ? {
    diff = b - a
} || {
    diff = 0

? also provide a property to expand namespace. Codes below will call the method only if instance is truthy.

instance? {

Using this property, switch statement can be expressed as:

key? {
    == 'w'? => moveUp()
    == 'a'? => moveLeft()
    == 's'? => moveDown()
    == 'd'? => moveRight()

Product *

while, for statements have been replaced with *.

It may seem quite new, but * still is a multiplication. Let's see some examples first.

3 * {
    print("reapeat only 3 times")

Please regard the product {} multiplied by 3 as a "statment copied and called exactly 3 times".

{print("reapeat only 3 times")}
{print("reapeat only 3 times")}
{print("reapeat only 3 times")}

This looks inefficient, but let the compilers find an optimal way to run this code.

We can iterate elements of an array by using distributive property of expressions.


(e:elems) * {
    print("%d in elems", e)

The product above will ditribute {} to each elements of elems.

{print("%d in elems", 1)}
{print("%d in elems", 2)}
{print("%d in elems", 3)}
{print("%d in elems", 4)}

By now, I believe you can get the sense of how the statements below would work.

true * {
    print("hello world!")

(i:1~10) * {
    print("number %d", i)
  • true * {} repeats forever, like while. (think true is equivalent to infinite)
  • (i:1~10) * {} iterates from 1 to 10, like for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){}.

(WIP below)

Storage Class @

Type and Class are data, with a notion of Storage Class denoted by @.

Here is the example of type & class declaration with Storage Class.

        => (data==value)

Naming conventions will determine whether the field is accessible.

The class example above implicitly defined accessibility of c:Int members:

  • c.data : This is an error, as symbol not defined as .data.
  • cdata : This is regarded as a new variable, not c's member.
  • c.equals(2) : This is a valid access, like a public method.

In this way, data is capsulized without explicitly notating public or private.

Storage Classes are also used for designating the data lifetime and scope

globalString@data := "string at data segement"
localString@stack := "string at stack segment"
dynamicString@heap:= "string at heap segment"