Pure Angular 2+ date range picker with material design theme, a demo here:
- 0
'get' and 'set' accessor must have the same type.
#557 opened by chirag8850 - 0
#556 opened by pantonis - 3
- 1
Error on selecting date with the maximum option available in singleDatePicker mode
#525 opened by anuragyg - 2
- 0
the custom range not working in ngxDaterangePicker while using singleDatePicker
#555 opened by gsd-madhvi - 0
Cancel Button Performing Clear Button Behavior
#554 opened by AnnuValand13 - 0
How can you set the date without Angular?
#553 opened by cow1337killer3 - 1
Months for ru localisation not displayed
#511 opened by tampambro - 0
Installation version 4.0.0
#550 opened by ayrancd - 4
- 1
Selected Dates are not UTC Dates
#547 opened by pigeonfield - 0
Is it possible to change the month and year dropdown to picker view. As like day picker view.
#548 opened by NinuVJ - 1
inline usage throws an error ERROR TypeError: dir.valueAccessor.writeValue is not a function
#527 opened by VolodymyrL87 - 3
When using ngxDaterangepickerMd Angular version: 4, ngxDaterangepickerMd version: 2.0.0, when used [opens]="'left'" not working as expected date picker is not opening from left. After clicking on multiple time on input box it start shifting left side.
#542 opened by princeryadav - 3
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Use ngx-daterangepicker-material as Storybook Angular (Issue about Ranges Clicked and Dates Updated) when implement into other project
#541 opened by elvisnguy - 2
Default Months
#536 opened by kiknadze - 2
Date picker does not work properly in case of single datepicker and also when closing on click on button or svg icon
#537 opened by abdulrehmanaxa1 - 12
Selecting any date without range throws an Error in console and broke the functionality.
#514 opened by sunrawat - 0
A11y - tabIndex not working properly
#540 opened by jishnu1rks - 7
The date selected in the UI should be localized
#487 opened by LucasBrazi06 - 0
Hours before 10 are displayed with one digit
#539 opened by pantonis - 4
- 1
Disable Past and Future Dates
#500 opened by toozuuu - 0
- 0
- 1
- 7
End date is wrongly return on event
#485 opened by gopal-augment - 0
Double apply for singleDatePicker
#526 opened by owocky - 2
minDate and maxDate doesn't work
#521 opened by karpenko-eugene - 0
why dind't you allow searching backwards from 1972
#523 opened by sai-gmbh - 1
I've got an issue while selecting year 1972, why dind't you allow searching backwards from 1972
#499 opened by congminh69 - 0
Custom Range selected event is not get fired
#522 opened by praveen-angular - 5
Angular 15 support
#491 opened by jerone - 4
I have an error when run my test with Jest
#479 opened by jbocchi-bc - 0
Feature request: change global locally dynamically
#519 opened by yelhouti - 5
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March exists two times (only in Firefox)
#516 opened by Joniras - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Console.log in daterangepicker.component.ts
#512 opened by tampambro - 0
angular material & materialize-css
#503 opened by aylmercarson - 0
Date Range Picker : Select Start Date only
#502 opened by DEVAN-lab - 1
- 1
Not import dayjs
#492 opened by LorenVu - 1
Validation not work in reactive forms.
#496 opened by roma2341 - 1
Angular 14 support
#484 opened by jerone - 3
Issue with End date and maxDate option
#486 opened by gopal-augment