
DanceRM is a very simple Customer Relationship application adapted to dance schools

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Build Status Coverage Status


DanceRM is a specialized Customer Relationship software built for Dance schools.

Crafting new release

DanceRM is now using electron-builder to publish new release. To publish a new one:

  1. change version in package.json
  2. push to github all changes, using PRs
  3. Create a github release, tag must be package.json version prefixed with v. Set title and description, then save it as draft.
  4. set GH_TOKEN has environment variable
  5. run yarn release
  6. go back to github, and publish your release


  • Migrate old invoice
    • items[].discount: null > 0
    • selectedSchool > selectedTeacher
  • Conflicts
    • multiple modifications on payments


  • Invoice & Lesson conflicts
  • unit test for indexedDB operator support ($and, $lt, $gt, $lte, $gte)
  • Mandatory fields that cannot be bypassed
  • Replace mocha with jest
  • Get the coffee-coverage PR merged. Until that don't forget to manually compile coffee to js after dependency updates:

    cd node_moduldes/coffee-coverage npm run build

TODO Electron

  • use afterprint to close print previews
  • tests with spectron


  • import > callstack when merging with distant mongo (works fine locally)
  • update to driver version 3