- accaplanRomance Office
- AlanCutFlim
- angelorbastosGuará Stats
- Aveek-Saha@akamai
- Buda9Vokabula
- chdg61
- cj-praveenIndia
- clstaudtHamburg
- crinklywrapprn/a
- DelapouitePowipu
- DevAshleyDRight to Obtain Knowledge LLC
- dgonzalezCloudsmith
- drew-mcnaughton
- fzkun
- gdorsiPiano di Sorrento, Italy
- giacomorebonato@nearform
- gitbreaker222EU, Germany
- gutenfriesDeveloper @dart-sys
- jamestthompson3Helsinki, Finland
- kevinjobsChina
- lutangarCult of the great fork
- mattsterpSoundlink
- okayhanDesign-Ist | Strategic Planning & Design Consultancy
- ozgurdemirelAsteroid B-612
- palob
- petrmacal@oakslab
- PurpleBabarOtterwise IT
- SaturnychAntarctica
- simoneb@nearform
- soenkekluth@ikluth @BerlinKollektiv @lonelyplanetboy @eastcode @wundercode
- taskylizard@taskyland
- thomas-xb
- thorocEdinburgh
- tobikaFreelance
- vulcangz