
Primary LanguagePython

Fizzbuzz and TicTacToe

This project contains two folders. The code is in Python 2.7.14

  1. Fizzbuzz
  • This contains fizzbuzz.py.
  • Prints between 1-100
  • Can be run as: python fizzbuzz.py
  1. TicTacToe
  • This folder contains the game.
  • To run the game : python TicTacToeGame.py
  • To run tests : python TestTicTacToeGame.py

Game Design:

For this game, the tic-tac-toe grid is a 3x3 grid. A human player plays against the computer by inputting numerals from 1-9. The grid is numbered 1-9 from the right. The computer picks the best possible move using Newell and Simon's algorithm. (no minimax search strategy) Time Complexity: O(N), Space Complexity: O(N)

The code is structured as follows:

  1. Board.py - contains the class Board. Board maintains a representation of the state of the board. It does this through a dictionary where keys (ranging from 1-9) correspond to the state of the grid. Board contains methods such as

    • isEmpty - to check if a cell in a grid is empty
    • printBoard - to display the board
    • isWinner- to check if board has a winning combination
    • isBoardFilled - to check if the board has no cells to fill
    • getBoard - return the board dictionary
  2. GameEngine.py - contains the class GameEngine. This class contains the logic of the game. It acts as a controller, getting input from the human player, getting the best move from the computer and checking for wins and ties. Game Engine contains methods such as

    • getHumanMove - getting a legal move from the human player
    • getComputerMove - making a move from the computer calling the getBestMove function
    • getBestMove - calculates the best move through the Newell and simon algorithm
    • checkForWinsAndTies - checks if a player wins or draws the game
  3. TicTacToeGame.py - contains the main method. It asks users their choice of being player X or player O

  4. TestTicTacToeGame.py - contains unit tests