
Design Pattern Implementations Using C#

Primary LanguageC#

Design Patterns with C#

Design Pattern implementations with C# (Tutorial)

Created to understand design patterns deeply. These codes written by following a series of tutorials. I am putting these to access whenever I need to recap design patterns.

The SOLID Design Principles

Single Responsibilility Principle
  • A class should only have one reason to change
  • Sepation of concerns - different classes handling different, independent tasks/problems
Open-Closed Principle
  • Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification
  • You can easily change the lens of most SLR cameras without having to saw off the old lens and weld on a new one. You can add filters to most SLR cameras lens by just screwing them on
Liskov Substition Principle
  • Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program
  • Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of devierd classes without knowing it
  • As you extend objects the original functionality of the elements that makeup the object should not change
  • Any Base 10 calculator should produce result of 4 when you press 2+2 regardless of the age or sophistication of the device
  • The original functionality of objects should be preserved as you build on them.
Interface Segregation Principle
  • Don't put too much into an interface; split into seperate interfaces
  • YAGNI - You ain't going to need it
Dependency Inversion Principle (Inversion of Control) (Dependency Injection)
  • High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions
  • Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
  • Screwdriver bits do not care what brand or type of Slotted Screwdriver they are used with

Creational Design Patterns

Builder Design Pattern

  • A builder is a separate component for building an object
  • Can either give builder a constructor or return it via a static function
  • To make builder fluent, return this
  • Different facets of an object can be built with different builders working in tandem via a base class
  • Seperate component for when object construction gets too complicated
  • Can create mutally cooperating sub-builders
  • Often has a fluent interface


  • A factory method is a static method that creates objects
  • A factory can take care of object creation
  • A factory can be external or reside inside the object as an inner class
  • Hierarchies of factories can be used to create related objects
  • Factory method more expressive than constructor
  • Factory can be an outside class or inner class; inner class has the benefit of accessing private members


  • To implement a prototype partially construct an object and store it somewhere
  • Clone the prototype
    • Implement your own deep copy fuctionality: or
    • Serialize and deserialize
  • Customize the resulting instance
  • Creation of object from an existing object
  • Requires either explicit deep copy or copy through serialization


  • Making a 'safe' singleton is easy: construct a static Lazy< T > and return its Value
  • Singletons are difficult to test
  • Instead of directly using a singleton, consider depending on an abstraction (e.g, an interface)
  • Consider defining singleton lifetime in DI container
  • When you need to ensure just a single instance exists
  • Made thread-sae and lazy with Lazy
  • Consider extracting interface or using dependency injection

Structural Design Patterns


  • Implementing an Adapter is easy
  • Determine the API you have and the API you need
  • Create a component which aggregates(has a reference to, ...) the adaptee
  • Intermediate repsresentations can pile up: use caching and other optimizations.
  • Converts the interface you get to the interface you need


  • Decouple abstraction from implementation
  • Both can exist as hierarchies
  • A stronger form of encapsulation
  • Decouple abstraction from implementation


  • Objects can use other objects via inheritance/composition
  • Some composed and singular objects need similar/identical behaviors
  • Composite design pattern lets us threat both types of objects uniformly
  • C# has special support for the enumeration concept
  • A single object can masquerade as a collection with yield return this;
  • Allow clients to treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly


  • A decorator keeps the reference to the decorated object(s)
  • May or may not proxy over calls
  • Exist in a static variation
    • X< Y < Foo > >
    • Very limited due to inability to inherit from type parameters
  • Attach additional responsibilities to objects


  • Build a Façade to provide a simplified API over a set of classees
  • May wish to (optionally) expose internals through the façade
  • May allow users to 'escalate' to use more complex APIs if they need to
  • Provide a single unified interface over a set of classes/systems


  • Store common data externally
  • Define idea of 'ranges' on homogeneous collections and store data related to those ranges
  • .NET string interning is the Flyweight pattern
  • Efficiently support very large numbers of similar objects


  • A proxy has the same interface as the underlying object
  • To create a proxy, simply replicate the existing interface of an object
  • Add relevant functionality to the redfined member functions
  • Different proxies (communication, logging, caching, etc.) have completely different behaviors
  • Provide a surrogate object that forwards calls to the real object while performing additional functions
  • Dynamic proxy creates a proxy dynamically, without the necessity of replicating the target object API

Proxy vs. Decorator

  • Proxy provides an identical interface; decorator provides an enhanced interface
  • Decorator typically aggregates (or has reference to) what it is decorating; proxy doesn not have to
  • Proxy might not even be working with a materialized object

Behavioral Design Patterns

Chain of Responsibility

  • Chain of Responsibility can be implemented as a chain of references or a centralized construct
  • Enlist objects in the chain possibly controlling their order
  • Object removal from chain (e.g in Dispose())
  • Allow components to process information/events in a chain
  • Each element in the chain refers to next element; or
  • Make a list and go through it


  • Encapsulate all details of an operation in a separate object
  • Define instruction for applying the command (either in the command itself, or elsewhere)
  • Optionally define intructions for undoing the command
  • Can create composite commands (a.k.a. macros)
  • Good for audit, reply, undo/redo
  • Part of CQS/CQRS (Query is also, effectively, a command)


  • Barring simple cases, an interpreter acts in two stages
  • Lexing turns text into a set of tokens, e.g. (Star, Lpran, Lit, Plus, Lit, Rparen)
  • Parsing tokens into meaninful constructs (MultiplicationExpression, Integer, AddtionExpression, Integer)
  • Parsed data can then be traversed
  • Transform textual input into object-oriented structures
  • Used by interpreters compilers, static analysis tools, etc.
  • Compiler Theory is a separate branch of Computer Science


  • An iterator specified how you can traverse an object
  • An iterator object, unlike a method, cannot be recursive
  • Generally, an IEnumerable returning method is enough
  • Iteration works through duck typing - you need a GetEnumerator() that yields a type that has Current and MoveNext()
  • Provides an interface for accesing elements of an aggregate object
  • IEnumerable should be used in 99% of cases


  • Create the mediator and have each object in the system refer to it
  • Mediator engages in bidirectional communication with its connected components
  • Mediator has functions the components can call
  • Components have functions the mediator can call
  • Event processing libraries make communication easier to implement
  • Provides mediation services between two objects
  • E.g. message passing, chat room


  • Mementos are used to roll back states arbitrarily
  • A memento is simply a token/handle class with (typically) no functions of its own
  • A memento is not required to expose directly state(s) to which it reverts the system
  • Can be used to implement undo/redo
  • Yields tokens representing system states
  • Tokens do not allow direct manipulation, but can be used in appropriate APIs

Null Object

  • Implement the required interface
  • Rewrite the methods with empty bodies
    • If method is non-void, return default(T)
    • If these values are ever used, you are in trouble
  • Supply an instance of Null Object in place of actual object
  • Dynamic construction possible
    • With associated performance implications


  • Observer is an intrusive approach: an observable must provide an event to subscribe to
  • Special care must be taken to prevent issues in multithreaded scenarios
  • .NET comes with observable collections
  • IObserver / IObservable are used in stream processing (Reactive Extensions)
  • Built into C# with the event keyword
  • Additional support provided for properties, collections and observable streams


  • Given sufficient complexity, it pays to formally define possible states and events/triggers
  • Can define
    • State entry/exit behaviors
    • Action when a particular event causes a transition
    • Guard conditions enabling/disabling a transition
    • Default action when no transition are found for an event
  • We model systems by having one of a possible states and transitions between these states
  • Such a system is called a state machine
  • Special framework exists to orchestrate state machines


  • Define an algorithm at a high level
  • Define the interface you expect each strategy to follow
  • Provide for either dynamic or static composition of strategy in the overall algorithm


  • Define an algorithm at a high level
  • Define constituent parts as abstract methods/properties
  • Inherit the algorithm class, providing necessary overrides

Strategy & Template Method

  • Both patterns define an algorithm blueprint/placeholder
  • Strategy uses composition, Template Method uses inheritance


  • Propagate an accept(Visitor v) method throughout the entire hierarchy
  • Create a visitor with Visit(Foo), Visit(Bar), for each element in the hierarchy
  • Each accept() simply calls visitor.Visi(this)
  • Using dynamic, we can invoke right overload based on argument type alone (dynamic dispatch)
  • Adding functionality to existing classes through double dispatch
  • Dynamic visitor possible, but with performance cost.