
Pat Missin's Harmonica tunnings.


This is a collection of different ways to tune the harmonica, that I have gathered across the years. They are mostly intended for the single reed diatonic ("blues harp") and the chromatic harmonica, although many of them could be adapted for either type of harp, as well as the double reed tremolo and octave tuned instruments (I have added a small section devoted to the double reed harps - if anyone has any more tunings specifically intended for these harps, I would like to know about them). The diagrams are (I hope) fairly self-explanatory - they are mostly based on a C harp (except for a couple of commercially manufactured tunings) and are cross referenced (at least to some extent) to show similarities 
between different tunings. 

Standard notation is used for sharps (#) and flats (b); quartertone sharps are designated by a plus sign (+). I haven't included the possible bent notes and overblows for each diatonic tuning, just remember:

1: The higher note in each hole can be lowered to a pitch just above the lower note.

2: The lower note can overblown (or overdrawn) to a pitch about a semitone above the higher note. 

For further info on this (and many other) subjects, see Steve Baker's Harp Handbook. "Diatonic" tunings which are described as "chromatic" allow a full chromatic scale without the need for overblows. (With the use of overblows and overdraws, most of these tunings become chromatic - maybe it's time to replace the terms "diatonic" and "chromatic", when referring to types of harmonica).

I assume you have the necessary skills for retuning a harp, or have a friendly harp technician who can prepare them for you and I hope that some of you reading this will have tunings of your own that you would like to share with others. Currently I am especially interested in finding out details of the tuning that Bernie Bray used for playing "Sweet Georgia Brown" on chromatic, or anything in this general vein that is not already listed here.

I have tried to give credit where it is due - any uncredited tunings are either my own ideas, my own variations on other people's ideas, or tunings that I consider to be so obvious that it would be unfair to credit any one person with inventing them. All copyrights and patents have been noted (as far as I am aware of them), despite my own personal views on the 
subject of patenting tunings. If I have omitted any credits, please let me know and corrections will be made in future editions.

You are welcome to make copies of this document for your own personal use, or to share them with anyone you think may be interested, provided that there are no changes made to any part of it without my express consent. Commercial usage of any or all of this collection without my express consent will be considered a violation of copyright.

Please remember to observe good workshop practice when working on your harps. Make sure you understand how to use your tools properly, make sure you have adequate ventilation and lighting. Try to avoid inhaling dust and exercise great caution when using solvent-based products. I can't be held responsible for any harm to yourself or your harmonicas - let's all try to be careful!

Comments, criticisms, suggestions and additions are more than welcome - in fact, nothing would make me happier. I can be reached by email at:


The current version of this collection can be downloaded from:


(Please also see also the file UPDATE.TXT)

Files contained in this collection:

ReadMe.txt	-	This file
Tun.txt 	-	Practical and theoretical stuff pertaining to 
tuning harmonicas and tuning in general
Replace.txt	-	Tips on reed replacement and related topics
JIchords.txt-	Cents deviations of some Justly Intonated chords
Slots.txt	-	Sizes of slots of various harmonica reedplates
Tngs001.txt	-	Major tunings
Tngs002.txt	-	Minor tunings
Tngs003.txt	-	Antipodean Tunings (from Lawrie Minson and Brendan 
Tngs004.txt	-	Joe Filisko tunings
Tngs005.txt	-	Tunings for 12 and 14 hole harps
Tngs006.txt	-	Spiral tunings
Tngs007.txt	-	Spanish and related tunings
Tngs008.txt	-	Magic Dick/Pierre Beauregard tunings
Tngs009.txt	-	Kraus tuning and variations
Tngs010.txt	-	Modal rearrangements
Tngs011.txt	-	Oddities
Tngs012.txt	-	Tunings for chromatic harmonica
Tngs013.txt	-	Tunings for double-reed harmonicas
Update.txt	-	Update history