Elasticsearch Cluster + Security Configuration

App Screenshot

I will show how to install Elastic Search Cluster structure. This repo is first aid kit. 🚑

Don't you know Elastic Search? Lets jump to Elasticsearch 101


Create VM Instances

CentOS image is used as Linux.

The example was made on Google Cloud.

You can do it if you allocate 2 GB to each node on your own computer.

We are click Compute Engine -> VM Instance side.

Requirements before creating VM Instance

>> The instances we will install must be in the same region and zone.

>> The instance will be E2 Series and machine type is e2 medium(2 vCPU, 4GB Memory).

>> Change boot disk with CentOS. Version is CentOS 7. Size is 20 GB.

>> Check is Allow HTTP Trafic and Allow HTTPS Trafic in Firewall settings.

Our first instance names "elastic-master" which is my master node, then I created 2 data node instances. We created 3 VM Instances in total.

>> Our data nodes named "elastic-data-1" and"elastic-data-2".


VM Instances are completed!

Installation Elasticsearch

Download Elasticsearch

Choose Linuxx86_64

>> Get link at 'Download Linux86_64'.

And lets go to VM Intances with SSH. You can switch to root user. That's how I preferred it.

  yum install wget
  yum install nano
  wget <elastic_search_download_link> -y
  rpm -ivh <elasticsearch_file.rpm>


We must do same action other instances (which is elastic-data-1 and elastic-data-2)

  cd /etc/elasticsearch
  ls (You can see elasticsearch.yml)
  nano elasticsearch.yml

First I at Master VM Instance You can see everthing is comment mode. We need to delete "#" and configuration some lines:

  node.name : master
  node.data : false
  node.ingest : false
   ---- Network ----
  network.host :
  http.port : 9200
  ---- Discovery ----
  Make sure that VM Instances are same regions.
  discovery.seed_hosts : ["elastic-master's internal IP","elastic-data-1's internal IP", "elastic-data-2's internal IP"]
  cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["elastic-master's internal IP"]

Security (xpack) Configuration with SSL

We must do same action other instances (which is elastic-data-1 and elastic-data-2)

  cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/
  ./bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca
  Enter + define some password what you want. (but dont forget,it will work for us)
  You can see "elastic-stack-ca.p12"

Lets go elasticsearch.yml file.

  cd /etc/elasticsearch/
  nano elasticsearch.yml

At the bottom of the document we write:

  xpack.security.enabled : true
  xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
  xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
  xpack.security.transport.ssl.client_authentication: required
  xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: /usr/share/elastic-stack-ca.p12
  xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: /usr/share/elastic-stack-ca.p12

We created certification (elastic-stack-ca.p12), this certification must be have other VM Instances (elastic-data-1 & elastic-data-2). If they do not have this certification, your configuration will not run.

How to move elastic-stack-ca.p12 file to other instances?

  1. Lets move Cloud Storage and create bucket.
  2. Open elastic-master's terminal
gcloud auth login  // autorize your GCP account
gsutil cp elastic-stack-ca.p12 gs://your_bucket_name
  1. Open elastic-data-1 & elastic-data-2's terminal
gsutil cp gs://your_bucket_name/elastic-stack-ca.p12 /usr/share/elasticsearch/

6)This 2 command must do all of VM Instances.

chmod 660 elastic-stack-ca.p12
chown root:elasticsearch elastic-stack-ca.p12

Configuration "HTTPS"

 cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/
 ./bin/elasticsearch-cerutil http

Do not create CSR file, because we have CA file.

CA Path:/usr/share/elasticsearch/elastic-stack-ca.p12
Generate cerfitication per node? : No

Now, It will want hostnames. If you do not know hostname and internal hostname, you can write like this at VM Instances's terminals:

hostname -f

You can write hostname names below.


Then, you must write IP addresses (which is localhost IP, internal IP and External IP)

Now, you have "elasticsearch-ssl-http.zip", location is:

unzip elasticsearch-ssl-http.zip

You can see elasticsearch and kibana files. Elasticsearch's file have http.p12 files. We'll send other VM Instances like moving "elastic-stack-ca.p12". We need to add a few security parameters to the elasticsearch.yml file.

cd /etc/elasticsearch/
nano elasticsearch.yml

Add these parameters:

xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled: true
xpack.security.http.ssl.keystore.path:  /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/http.p12 //Location of http.p12
xpack.security.http.ssl.truststore.path:  /usr/share/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/http.p12 //Location of http.p12


service elasticsearch start

When we start to run the service, we can monitor it in the log file.

cd /var/log/elasticsearch/
tail -100f my-applcation.log

Finally, you must run other data nodes which is elastic-data-1 and elastic-data-2

service elasticsearch start

You can send curl if you want to see the health of the system, active nodes and shards.

curl -XGET 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty' -k


Add User

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
./bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto

Take screenshot, do not lose it. You can send curl with your username & paasword.

curl -u username:password -XGET 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty' -k

Elasticsearch is live !


  • Youtube Video
  • Fleet manager
  • Kibana


Thank you very much to my beloved wife for her support. @busetorunlarertan