
Flask code template to quickly get you up and running. Build your REST Api without going through folder structure setup hustles.

Primary LanguagePython

Reusable Flask Starter Project API

Flask wrapper REST Api project. This project is aimed at creating a flask structure that is reusable for any flask project. All you have to do is just clone/fork, customise db details and start building your API in the less than 5minutes. This project uses the following technologies:

  1. Flask
  2. Swagger
  3. SQLAlchemy

Project Setup

Follow these steps to have a local running copy of the app.

Clone The Repo

git clone <url-to-repo>

If master is not up to date, git checkout develop. However, note that code on develop could be having some minor issues to sort.

Install PostgreSQL

Here's a great resource to check out:

How To Install and Use PostgreSQL

Create a development database and call it dev_db.

Create a Virtual Environment

create virtual enviroment called venv

Run virtualenv venv

Activate the virtual environment.

Run . venv/bin/activate

Make sure you have pip installed on your machine.

Install the dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a .env file

Create a .env file (which defines the environment variables used) at the root of the app.

Add the following details, customizing as needed.

export FLASK_APP=server.py
export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_RUN_PORT=5000
Run Database migrations

Run migrations for the database

python manage.py db upgrade

Run Application

Run the application with this command

flask run

Test the API

Through your browser go to link localhost:<flask_port>/.

Checkout Api docs

Through your browser go to link localhost:<flask_port>/apidocs.