Dyson Sphere Program Mods by thisisbrad
Do not report problems to the developers when running any of these mods (or even a savegame you've used one of these mods in). The game currently does not support mods. The devs do not need spurious bug reports caused by a modded game. Reproduce your bug on a 100% vanilla game and save, or assume it's potentially related to a mod unless you know with 100% certainty it wasn't influenced in any way by any mod you have installed now or in the past.
When copying a building, the attached inserters are also copied to the new location
brokenmass, DavisCook777, colin-daniels, TrAceX99
Adds progress information to the Dyson Sphere UI screen
Download and install BepInEx into steamapps/common/Dyson Sphere Program: https://bepinex.github.io/bepinex_docs/master/articles/user_guide/installation/index.html?tabs=tabid-win
Download the latest version: https://github.com/fezhub/DSP-Mods/releases
Add dll file to steamapps/common/Dyson Sphere Program/BepInEx/plugins
Launch the game and the mod should be loaded
All trademarks, copyright, and resources related to Dyson Sphere Project itself, remain the property of Gamera Game and Youthcat Studio as applicable according to the license agreement distributed with Dyson Sphere Program.