"How can I die, when I have so much of the Universe left to explore?" - Stephen Hawking
Have fun hacking.
- include font into service-worker
Use IntelliJ for coding.
- Install jdk10 on you machine
- Install and start mongodb on you machine or use docker mongo setup below
- Before opening anything install the Lombok Plugin: Settings => Plugins => Browse repositories... => search for "Lombok Plugin" => Install => Restart IntelliJ
- Open the cloned github folder and the gradle import wizard should pop up.
- After gradle is done setting up the project enable annotation processing: Settings => Build, Execution, Development => Compiler => Annotation Processors => Enable annotation processing
just run
$ docker run --rm -ti --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data/dump,target=/foo -p 27017:27017 mongo /bin/bash
then you get an shell where you can simply launch mongodb via:
$ mongod --bind_ip_all &
finally the data import is as easy as
$ mongorestore /foo
Please keep in mind: if you leave the base, the docker container stops and the data is gone! But maybe that's also the advantage ;)
Install client dependencies:
$ yarn install
You can setup your mongodb with our sample data by executing following command from project-root:
$ mongorestore ./data/dump
Build client:
$ yarn build
Build server:
$ gradle build
Start server:
$ java -jar build/libs/arch-playground-spring.jar
- Examples
- Status
- Loggers
- Jobdefinitions
- Jobs
- Toggles
- Health
- Metrics
- Httptrace
- Info
- Mappings
- Conditions
- Env
- Beans
Start client watcher:
$ yarn start
Start server:
$ gradle bootRun [--debug-jvm]
You may need to set jvm args if using java 10
$ --illegal-access=deny --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED
$ yarn test
$ gradle test
$ yarn test:e2e
$ yarn webdriver:install
$ yarn webdriver:start
$ yarn test:e2e:local
Client dependencies:
$ yarn dependency-update
Server dependencies:
$ gradle dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release
To make gradle work with jdk10 you have to run it with jdk8 and set the compiling jdk path to 10.
You can do this by putting this into your ~/.gradle/gradle.properties: org.gradle.java.home=/path_to_jdk10
When running gradle tasks you then have to set -Djava.endorsed.dirs=
as shown in this example:
$ gradle bootRun -Djava.endorsed.dirs=