
A draggable / droppable React-based treeview component. You can use render props to create each node freely.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React DnD TreeView

A draggable / droppable React-based treeview component.
You can use render props to create each node freely.



Examples (on CodeSandbox)

Some of the examples below use Material-UI components, but TreeView does not depend on Material-UI, so you can use other libraries or your own custom components.

Getting Started


$ npm install --save @minoru/react-dnd-treeview


import { Tree } from "@minoru/react-dnd-treeview";


const [treeData, setTreeData] = useState(initialData);
const handleDrop = (newTreeData) => setTreeData(newTreeData);

  render={(node, {depth, isOpen, onToggle}) => (
    <div style={{marginLeft: depth * 10}}>
      {node.droppable && (
        <span onClick={onToggle}>
          {isOpen ? "[-]" : "[+]"}

Data Structure

In order to display the tree,
we need to pass the following data to the Tree component

Basic example

The minimal data structure for representing the tree is shown in the following example

    "id": 1,
    "parent": 0,
    "droppable": true,
    "text": "Folder 1"
    "id": 2,
    "parent": 1,
    "text": "File 1-1"
    "id": 3,
    "parent": 1,
    "text": "File 1-2"
    "id": 4,
    "parent": 0,
    "droppable": true,
    "text": "Folder 2"
    "id": 5,
    "parent": 4,
    "droppable": true,
    "text": "Folder 2-1"
    "id": 6,
    "parent": 5,
    "text": "File 2-1-1"

Optional data

If you want to pass custom properties to each node's rendering,
you can use the data property.

    "id": 1,
    "parent": 0,
    "droppable": true,
    "text": "Folder 1"
    "id": 2,
    "parent": 1,
    "text": "File 1-1",
    "data": {
      "fileType": "csv",
      "fileSize": "0.5MB"
    "id": 3,
    "parent": 1,
    "text": "File 1-2",
    "data": {
      "fileType": "pdf",
      "fileSize": "4.8MB"
    "id": 4,
    "parent": 0,
    "droppable": true,
    "text": "Folder 2"
    "id": 5,
    "parent": 4,
    "droppable": true,
    "text": "Folder 2-1"
    "id": 6,
    "parent": 5,
    "text": "File 2-1-1",
    "data": {
      "fileType": "image",
      "fileSize": "2.1MB"

Node Properties

Key Type Required Default Description
id number | string yes - Identifier of each node
parent number | string yes - Parent id of each node
text string yes - Node label
droppable boolean no false If true, child nodes will be accepted and it will be able to drop other node
data any no undefined Additional data to be injected into each node.
These data are available in the render props.

Component API

Props Type Required Default Description
tree array yes The data representing the tree structure. An array of node data.
rootId number | string yes The id of the root node. It is the parent id of the shallowest node displayed in the tree view.
classes object no undefined A set of CSS class names to be applied to a specific area in the tree view.
See the Component Styling section for more information.
listComponent string no ul The HTML tag for the list.
listItemComponent string no li HTML tag for list items.
render function yes The render function of each node.
Please refer to the Render prop section for more details about the render functions.
dragPreviewRender function no undefined Render function for customizing the drag preview.
See the Dragging Preview section for more information on customizing the drag preview.
onDrop function yes Callback function for when the state of the tree is changed.
The new data is passed as the argument.
See the onDrop callback section for more information.
canDrop function no undefined Callback function which should return true or false depending on if a give node should be droppable onto another node.
If the canDrop callback is given, the droppable property of each node will no longer be referenced.
The callback will receive the current tree and an options object which is the same as the one which would be passed to the onDrop callback.
See the canDrop callback section for more information.
sort function | boolean no true Passing false will disable sorting. Alternatively, pass a callback to use in place of the default sort callback.
initialOpen boolean | array no false If true, all parent nodes will be initialized to the open state.
If an array of node IDs is passed instead of the boolean value, only the specified node will be initialized in the open state.

Render prop

To render each tree node, please pass a render function to the render property.

  render={(node, { depth, isOpen, onToggle }) => (
    <div style={{ marginLeft: depth * 10 }}>
      {node.droppable && (
        <span onClick={onToggle}>{isOpen ? "[-]" : "[+]"}</span>

The arguments passed to the render function are as follows

Name Type Description
data object Node data. (an element in the tree data array)
options.depth number The depth of the node hierarchy.
options.isOpen boolean The open and closed state of the node.
If droppable is not true, isOpen is always false.
options.hasChild boolean Flag indicating whether or not the node has children. It is true if the node has children, false otherwise.
options.onToggle function An event handler for the open/close button of a node.

Dragging Preview

By default, the drag preview is a screenshot of a DOM node.
The dragPreviewRender property allows you to display a custom React component instead of a screenshot.

  dragPreviewRender={(monitorProps) => {
    const item = monitorProps.item;

    return (

The data passed to dragPreviewRender contains the following properties

Name Type Description
item object Node data. (an element in the tree data array)
It also includes the ref property, which is a reference to the HTML element to be dragged.
clientOffset object The client offset of the pointer during the dragging operation.
It is in the format of {x: number, y: number}.
If the item is not being dragged, it is set to null.

onDrop callback

If the tree is modified by drag-and-drop, the changes can be retrieved by the onDrop callback.

const [treeData, setTreeData] = useState(initialTreeData);
const handleDrop = (
  { dragSourceId, dropTargetId, dragSource, dropTarget }
) => {
  // Do something


return <Tree {...props} tree={treeData} onDrop={handleDrop} />;

The arguments passed to the onDrop callback function are as follows

Name Type Description
newTree array This data represents the updated TreeView.
To redraw the modified TreeView, you need to set this data to the tree property.
options.dragSourceId number | string node id of the dragging source
options.dropTargetId number | string node id of the drop destination.
If the drop destination is the root node, it will be the value of the rootId property.
options.dragSource object node item of the dragging source
options.dropTarget object | undefined node item of the drop destination.
If the drop destination is the root node, it will be undefined

canDrop callback

This callback should return true if the node being dragged can be dropped onto a given node. If it returns false and the user drops the dragged node, no action will be taken and the onDrop callback will not be fired.

This callback accepts the same parameters as the onDrop callback except that the first parameter will be the current tree.

const canDrop = (
  { dragSourceId, dropTargetId, dragSource, dropTarget }
) => {
  return true;

  // or

  return false;

return <Tree {...props} tree={treeData} canDrop={canDrop} />;

Note that this will replace the default behaviour which will not take any action when a drop would not result in a change to the tree structure or when dropping on a node would result in a malformed tree e.g. dropping a droppable node on itself as shown in the below graphic. Therefore, if you pass this callback, you may need to handle such cases.

malformed tree

Component Styling

You are free to define the styling of individual nodes in the tree in your Render props, but the rest of the tree can be styled by specifying the CSS class name for the classes property.

    root: "my-root-classname",
    dragOver: "my-dragover-classname",

You can use the following keys for the objects you pass to the classes property. Neither key is required.

Name Description
root CSS class name to give to the top-level container element (by default, ul tag) that wraps all nodes.
container CSS class name to give to the element wrapping the list of nodes of the same hierarchy (by default, ul tag).
dropTarget CSS class name to give to the area that can be dropped during a node dragging operation.
draggingSource CSS class name to give to the node during the dragging operation.

Usage to openAll, closeAll methods

The open/close state of a node is managed within the Tree component, but methods are available outside the component to open and close all nodes.

const ref = useRef(null);

const handleOpenAll = () => ref.current.openAll();
const handleCloseAll = () => ref.current.closeAll();


<button onClick={handleOpenAll}>Open All Folders</button>
<button onClick={handleCloseAll}>Close All Folders</button>
