
Demo App you can easily test running at https://ff4j-demo.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguageJava

FF4j Sample Series

This sample uses the spring-boot-starter and define some extra beans to:

  • Create a ff4j bean full in-memory
  • Create the web console bean and expose it to proper url /ff4j-web-console
  • Create REST API expose it to proper url /api/ff4j

To run the app :

mvn spring-boot:run

The application is now running on http://localhost:8080

This sample could also be run as a demo as such it can be deployed as a docker image

mvn clean package dockerfile:build

Once the image is built you can run it with

docker run -p 8080:8080 ff4j/ff4j-sample-springboot2x:1.8.5
