
A dapp that allows customers to donate funds to restaurants and earn NFT

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fund The Restaurants

A dapp that allows customers to donate funds to restaurants and earn NFT

Polygon (Matic Mumbai) Testnet


  • Customers can donate crypto to restaurants owners
  • Restaurant owners can create a post to get funds from someone
  • Customers can earn NFT and FTR(ERC20) by donating crypto to restaurants
  • Customers can also earn FTR by sharing the link to their friends or families
  • Customers can pay 1 FTR to change the background color of their NFTs
  • Image is uploaded on IPFS
  • Latest price for Matic and ETH using Chainlink Price Feeds


  • React
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Solidity
  • Openzeppelin/contracts ERC721.sol and ERC20.sol
  • IPFS
  • Chainlink Price Feeds
  • Portis (Alternative Wallet Provider)

Running the dapp on local host

  • Clone or download this repository
  • Run npm i to install the dependencies
  • Open up Ganache and click "Quickstart"
  • Run truffle migrate to deploy the contract
  • Create a file called 'config.js' on the src folder and add the following code
export const portisId = 'Get Portis ID from Portis Dashboard';
  • Run npm start to start the dapp