
A set of automation tools.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Yet another Selenium/Puppeteer framework

But done right this time. Contributions are welcome.


The following test searches for something in Google and asserts that the results are present in both Chrome, Edge and Firefox on Selenium, and Chromium on Puppeteer. All browsers execute their actions in parallel.

var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

//use 3 different browsers via Selenium

//also use Chromium via Puppeteer

var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

using (var automationEngine = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IWebAutomationEngine>())
	await automationEngine.InitializeAsync();

	await automationEngine
	await automationEngine
		.Enter("this is a very long test that works").In("input[type=text]:visible")
		.Wait(until => 

	var elements = await automationEngine
		.Wait(until => 
			until.Exists("#rso .g:visible"))
		.Count(10).Of("#rso .g:visible");

	Console.WriteLine("Test done!");


A selector determines how to select elements. Right now, only jQuery selectors are supported.


install-package FluffySpoon.Automation.Css


install-package FluffySpoon.Automation.JQuery

Automation frameworks

An automation framework decides how the automation is done. Can use either Selenium or Puppeteer currently.


install-package FluffySpoon.Automation.Selenium


install-package FluffySpoon.Automation.Puppeteer


Opening a URL

await automationEngine.Open("https://example.com");

Taking a screenshot

await automationEngine
	.SaveAs((engine, i) => 
		engine.UserAgentName + "_" + i + ".jpg");

Mouse operations

Single clicking

var elementsClicked = await automationEngine.Click.On("selector");

Double clicking

var elementsClicked = await automationEngine.DoubleClick.On("selector");

Right clicking

var elementsClicked = await automationEngine.RightClick.On("selector");

Hovering an element

var elementsHovered = await automationEngine.Hover.On("selector");

Dragging & dropping

var elementsDragged = await automationEngine.Drag.From("selector").To("selector");

Typing in elements

var elementsTypedIn = await automationEngine.Enter("some text").In("selector");

Finding elements

var elements = await automationEngine.Find("selector");

Focusing an element

Currently only supports a single element.

var elementsFocused = await automationEngine.Focus.On("selector");

Selecting from a select combo-box

Multiple selections

Selecting by texts

await automationEngine.Select.ByTexts("Bar", "Baz", ...).From("selector");

Selecting by indices

await automationEngine.Select.ByIndices(0, 2, ...).From("selector");

Selecting by values

await automationEngine.Select.ByValues("value1", "value2", ...).From("selector");
await automationEngine.Select.ByValues(1337, 1338, ...).From("selector");

Single selection

Selecting by text

await automationEngine.Select.ByText("Bar").From("selector");

Selecting by index

await automationEngine.Select.ByIndex(0).From("selector");

Selecting by value

await automationEngine.Select.ByValue("value").From("selector");
await automationEngine.Select.ByValue(1337).From("selector");


await automationEngine.Wait(until => until.???);

All methods that are available on the until object are the same as are available on the Expect object (see "Expectations" below).


Any expecation made that is not met, will throw an ExpectationNotMetException. If you want to wait until a specific expectation is met, see "Waiting" above instead.

Specific class on an element

await automationEngine.Expect.Class.Of("selector");

Amount of elements that exist

await automationEngine.Expect.Count(10).Of("selector");

At least one element exists

await automationEngine.Expect.Exists.Of("selector");

Text in element

await automationEngine.Expect.Text("my text").In("selector");

Value of element

await automationEngine.Expect.Value("value").Of("selector");


Open an issue if there's something missing. I want to make this library the best there is! Pull requests are also very welcome.

Performance issues

There is a known bug in .NET Core that will slow down Selenium, which has a workaround described.

If you see performance issues outside .NET Core or what you are seeing is unrelated, please open an issue.