
This is an program for calculating thermoelectric transport parameters for materials with a single nonparabolic band structure under assuming the acoustic phonon scattering as the major scattering mechanism.

SKBcal This is a program for calculating thermoelectric transport parameters for materials with a single nonparabolic band structure under assuming the acoustic phonon scattering as the major scattering mechanism. The program is coded by python and exported as an executable file for a convenience using. The program is exported as an execute file. Users can use the SKBcal without any installation if the file type of execute (.exe) is available in the operation system.

※Notice※ The executable file is often considered as a virus by some anti-virus software, please add the SKBcal.exe into ignore list or turn off the anti-virus software when you are going to run the calculation.

*Program Execution

  1. Double click the SKBcal.exe, then you will see "How many data should be calculated”. Enter a number you need and click "enter".
  2. Enter the band gap, number of band degeneracy, and K value (K is the ratio of the longitudinal to transverse effective mass, it is 1 for an isotropic band).
  3. Enter the parameters of temperature, resistivity, thermopower, thermal conductivity, Hall concentration, and Hall mobility. The program will calculate the further refined parameters automatically.
  4. After calculation, the program will ask you type the file name, it will save the results in a csv file. The csv file could be opened by Excel, users can do the comparison, analysis, plotting, etc.