

Primary LanguageJavaScript


QRcode is a native javascript plugin,which offers some options for you to adjust error correction level, foreground and background color, image size, and embedded graphic in the central area. All you have to do is to produce your pleasing QR code pattern.

QRcode是一个原生JavaScript插件,它为你提供了一些选项来调整二维码的纠错等级,前景和背景颜色,图像的尺寸大小,和**位置区域的内嵌图形. 你需要做的仅仅是制作赏心悦目的二维码图案.

QRcode Demo


QRcode.js is available here on github for everyone, if you encounter a bug, please fill the issues.

每个人都可以从这里获取QRcode.js, 如果你碰到了bug, 请填写你的问题.