
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mentorship Web Application


Install Node.js v14. Ensure you check the checkbox which lets the system install neccessary build tools. Check Node.js is installed by running node -v in terminal.


Enable virtualisation in your BIOS

Go into Turn Windows Features On and Off (search this in the start menu) and tick virtual machine platform, windows subsystem for linux and HyperV Install Docker, and WSL if prompted: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/install/



  • Run npm install --global yarn to install Yarn. Check Yarn is installed by running yarn -v.
  • (Front-End) Run yarn install in client directory to install dependencies.


In the /backend directory:

The easy way:


In powershell, you must run: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

  • Build: Run the buildd.ps1 script

  • Start/Restart: Run the startd.ps1 script

  • Stop: Run the stopd.ps1 script. This will preserve database changes. If you want to stop quickly, ignore this script and stop the startd.ps1.

  • Remove: Run the removed.ps1 script. This will remove the containers. Database changes will not be preserved. Ignore any error message; part of the script is used to check that there are no dangling volumes or images.

Docker containers can be removed seperately of one another using docker rm CONTAINER_ID. The container ID may be found by running docker container ls.


The powershell scripts should work in bash, but we aren't making any promises. You may need to change their extensions from .ps1 to .sh, or add #!/usr/bin/bash in the first line of each. The same goes for any other terminal.

The hard way(s):

  • Build: Run docker-compose build

  • Start: docker-compose up or docker-compose up -d to run in the background. Add --build to build at the same time.

  • Stop: docker-compose down
    If you ctrl+c then the images and volumes won't be removed.

  • Clean restart:
    docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) (removes stopped containers)
    docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q) (removes volumes)

  • View current containers: docker ps -al

  • View Current Images: docker images

  • Remove image (not usually necessary): docker rmi <imagename>

  • Remove any dangling images (run this if docker images displays images with a tag of ): docker rmi $(docker images -f “dangling=true” -q)

  • Start and build the docker instance with a compose file not named 'docker-compose.yml': docker-compose -f <filename> --build

Database connection

docker exec -it backend-db-1 psql -U postgres -d discipulo to execute queries in the PostgreSQL REPL.


The project follows the git model described here. Ensure you have read and understood the model before starting.


  • Run yarn start in client directory to launch the website on localhost:3000.
  • Check client/src/index.js for implemented pages.

The stack being used is:

  • Node.js + Express.js
  • PostgreSQL


  • If yarn install complains about Python. Remove Python3 PATH in the system environment variables. Install Pyhton2 v2.7 and add the "C:...\Python27" and "C:...\Python27\Scripts" to the system environment variable PATH.
  • If yarn complains about nodemon not being installed, try running yarn global add nodemon.
  • If Powershell doesn't want to run yarn because it doesn't like scripts, open powershell as an administrator and run Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.
  • If Postman is not getting a response and isn't saying why, turn off SSL Certificate Verification in settings.