
Utilities for reading & writing data files for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

New Open Source Report: Mech Bay

Utilities for reading and writing data files for SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYS.

This is currently a mess. The expansion pack radically changed the layout of some files (primarily characters) and wrecked a lot of the progress I had made. I haven't had the time/energy to update things.


You'll need Python 3.9 to run the scripts.

General Thoughts

GGCR uses CriWare for managing its assets and data pipeline. It appears the game is almost entirely data driven. There's obviously no modding support and writing tools to edit the data will be difficult, but there are otherwise very few elements hard-coded in the executable.

File Formats

The LUAC Scripts are compiled Lua v5.2, 32-bit. Unluac isn't perfect but will decompile the code well enough to understand what's going on and clean it up. Only the simplest scripts can be recompiled. (There's also Luadec but I haven't had any luck compiling it to handle this specific version of Lua.) Lua scripts are used for scripting stages, general battle/UI behavior and to establish game constants.

Most audio is HCA. Use VGMStream to process. Finding the encryption key will likely be necessary to add new voice lines.

Images are primarily DDS (DirectDraw Surface) format. They're often stored in TXD (Texture Dictionaries) which are just easily unpacked archives of DDS images. GIMP with the DDS Plug-in should be helpful here. Most of the TXDs used here are actually just ZIP format.

Video files are USM format. This includes cut scenes, menu backgrounds, and crucially, battle animations for units. Battles are actually pre-rendered video, overlaid on top of 3d environment and enhanced with other effects.

Game data is largely contained in CDBs, DATs, ATPs, and some TBLs. There's no schema embedded in the headers so it's largely been a case of studying the raw bytes to work out what they match up to. MechBay is primarily concerned with parsing these.

Nearly all localization strings are stored in easily parsed string TBL files. References to the strings appear to be index based so any additions/deletions to data elsewhere will require edits being made to their string tables (in all languages) as well. Some TBLs contain strings for multiple data sets. MechBay can parse these.

Some files are combined into a PKD archive. Fortunately, it's a dead simple zero-compression format and MechBay handles the iteration used by GGCR.

UI layout uses LAB files, which I'm assuming is a Criware format of some kind. No idea.

Editing Files

There are unexpected dependencies between files so a mod manager will have to take that into account.

For example, to add new MS design combinations, you have to unpack MachineSpecList.pkd and parse MachineDesignList.cdb into JSON. After making edits, you rebuild MachineDesignList.cdb and then repack it with the other files into MachineSpecList.pkd.

To edit the stats progression of a character, it's not as simple as editing CharacterSpecList.cdb. That only has an index to one of 70+ growth profile in CharacterGrowthList.cdb. The profile record in that file has a list of 98 indexes (one per level up) to a sub-table in that file that has actual values to increase each character stat. And finally, of course, these need to be repacked back into CharacterSpecList.pkd. This means that editing the stat increase for a single stat on a single level up for a single characters requires non-trivial changes across three files.

The indexes are spread all over the place but don't seem to be necessarily mean anything to the game itself. In other words, very few hard coded magic numbers. It's a pain to repopulate changes across multiple files but the game doesn't seem to otherwise care as long as the data is correctly formatted.

Ideally, a mod manager will handle this behind the scenes so modders only have to organize assets and edit JSON that gets combined with the base data.

What to mod

In-progress catalog of the assets and data files edits required to add something to the game.

Characters & NPCs

Playable characters have a guid in the format of G###C#####. The first 4 characters are the series ID the character belongs to. The next 5 identify the character in that series and the last character identifies the variant.

Variants are generally used for playable guest units. For example, there are multiple versions of "Heero Yuy" that are identical except for their stats and/or images. With exceptions, only the first is recruitable. The others are used for different versions during a campaign. As such, "Heero Yuy (EW)" is not a variant of "Heero Yuy" since it has an entirely different guid. As far as the game is concerned, they have as little in common as Duo and Treize.

Non-playable characters, including pilots without cutins and characters who only speak in cut-scenes, have the same format except it's an N instead a C.

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/CharacterSpecList.cdb

Primary data about characters. References records in other files. Key indexes: * names from CharacterStringTable.tbl * personality * character growth * skill acquisition pattern * default BGM * innate abilities * DLC set

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/CharacterGrowthList.cdb

Profiles for how stats increase on each level up.

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/SkillAcquisitionPatternList.cdb

Profiles for which skills are gained as a character levels up. Key indexes: * skills

  • data/resident/PersonalMachineList.cdb

Which units will turn into a custom unit when piloted by a certain character.

  • data/resident/SpecProfileList.cdb

Links units to string text in SpecProfileList.tbl

  • data/language/*/SpecProfileList.tbl

Profile text for each unit, including MS and characters.

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/CharacterConversionList.cdb

Transitions characters to a different one when they hit high tension. Just seems to be used for the different portraits of characters with SEED mode.

  • data/battle/cutin/general_chara/{guid}_lip.zip
  • data/battle/cutin/scene_chara/f####{guid}/f####.zip
  • data/battle/cutin/scene_chara/f####{guid}/f####{guid}_lip.zip
  • data/battle/cutin/scene_chara/f####{guid}/f####{guid}_wiggler.zip
  • data/battle/cutin/scene_chara/f####{guid}/f####{guid}.asp
  • data/battle/cutin/scene_chara/f####{guid}/mask_f####.zip
  • data/battle/cutin/scene_chara/f####{guid}/*

Images and animation data for battle cutins. Only used for characters. Not sure what f#### represents. They're generally static images with smaller images of the lips to use for speaking animation. The rest is placement, effects, etc. Not all the files are present for every character.

  • data/battle/table/cutin.tbl

Matches characters to cutin files.

  • data/images/chara_org/m/{guid}_m.txd/{guid}_m.dds

156 x 216 DDS in a TXD. Thumbnail used for organization screens

  • data/images/chara_org/s/{guid}_s.txd/{guid}_s.dds

156 x 88 DDS in a TXD. Thumbnail used for organization screens

  • data/images/chara_org/st/{guid}_st.txd

768 × 1024 DDS in a TXD of the character standing.

  • data/images/chara_pick_up/{guid}_pu.txd

256 × 768 DDS in a TXD

  • data/images/chara_status/{guid}_status.txd

1024 × 768 DDS in a TXD. Used on the status page

  • data/images/schips.txd/{guid}

128 × 64 DDS (extension stripped) in a TXD

  • data/tmap/txds/talkChara/{guid}.txd

Images used for VN scenes. Variants are used for different poses, ids, etc. Referenced by Lua scripts.

  • data/sound/voice/BTL/{guid}/*.hca

Voiced lines used in battle animations.

  • data/sound/voice/BTL/idset.tbl
  • data/sound/voice/BTL/voice_table.tbl

Matches character ids to voice data.

  • data/sound/voice/BTL/text/*/text.tbl

Localized text for battle lines

  • data/sound/voice/EVM/{guid}/{guid}_*.hca
  • data/sound/voice/EVT/{guid}/*.hca

Voiced lines used for movies and cut-scenes.

  • data/language/*/CharacterSpecList.tbl

Localized names for characters in CharacterSpecList. Outfit, voice, random names and BGM titles in MyCharacterConfigurations

  • data/tmap/stage/scoutMessage/*/ScoutMessageTable.tbl

String text for death messages.

  • data/tmap/resident/scoutMessageId.dat


Series IDs are in the format of G####. Every campaign, character, MS, WS, etc needs to be associated with a series.

  • data/images/series_logo_l/{series}_l.txd
  • data/images/series_logo_s/{series}_s.txd

Banner representing a series in campaign/stage selects.

  • data/images/series_logo_l/*/{series}_l.txd
  • data/images/series_logo_s/*/{series}_s.txd

Language specific versions of the series logos.

  • data/gallery/gallery.txd/{series}_gallery.dds

Banner representing a series in the gallery.

  • data/gallery/*/gallery.txd/{series}_gallery.dds

Language specific versions of the normal gallery images.

  • data/language/*/SeriesProfileList.tbl

Profile text about the series.

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/SeriesList.cdb

Primary data file about series.

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/SeriesProfileList.cdb


Stage_id is a 5 digit value. The first three correspond to the campaign. The second two correspond to the stage within that campaign. This is typically stored as a 4-byte unsigned integer.

  • data/resident/SpecProfileList.cdb

  • data/resident/StageList.pkd/StageList.cdb

List of stages with rewards

  • data/resident/StageList.pkd/QuestList.cdb

Requirements and rewards for each quest.

  • data/resident/StageList.pkd/GetUnitList.cdb

Score requirements for Get Units.

  • data/tmap/stage/StageClearGetList.cdb

Units rewarded for clearing a stage.

  • data/language/*/MiscData.tbl

Series names, group dispatch names, descriptions and recommended compositions.

  • data/language/*/StageList.tbl

Stage names and quest names and descriptions.

  • data/tmap/bg/map_###.zip
  • data/tmap/bg/map_###.zip/*.dds
  • data/tmap/bg/map_###.zip/map_###.pmdl

Images used for the map. Background images seem to be universally 1024x1024, even if the playable/shown area is much less. Other images may be layered above/below the bg and units. Ie: asteroids, clouds, etc. The pmdl file appears to control how images are layered, animated, etc.

  • data/images/stage_img/l/st_###_##_l.txd
  • data/images/stage_img/s/st_###_##_s.txd

Stages are broken up into 3 or 4 sections.

  • 0 - VN scenes before the stage.

  • 1 - VN and battle scripting for the mission section.

  • 2 - VN and battle scripting for the sortie section.

  • 3 - Post battle VN executed at the end of the campaign.

  • data/stageComment/###_##0/*/StageCommentStringTable.tbl

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##0/stringTable/*/StringCommentStringTable.tbl

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/stringTable/*/TMapStringTable.tbl

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##2/stringTable/*/TMapStringTable2.tbl

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##3/stringTable/*/SeriesEndingStringTable.tbl

String text referenced by index in their respective LUA scripts.

  • data/stageComment/###_##0/StageCommentVoiceTable.tbl
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/VoiceTable.tbl
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##2/VoiceTable2.tbl
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##3/SeriesEndingVoiceTable.tbl

String tables of comma separated values. The first value is the name of the voice file for a string text in a scene, if any. The rest of the values aren't understood yet. Probably audio length and volume?

  • data/stageComment/###_##0/script.luac
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/script.luac
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##2/script.luac
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##3/script.luac

Only script.luac is actually called by the engine. There are a number of functions that need to exist that are called at each various points before, during, and after a battle. I haven't cataloged all the required functions for each scene and the utility functions (found in data/tmap/lua) that are called.

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/beforeBattleTalk.luac
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##2/beforeBattleTalk.luac

Every stage has this broken out as a separate file but it's just imported into script.luac.

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/miniMap.txd
  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/miniMap.txd/*.dds

Images of thumbnails of the images in data/tmap/bg/map_###.zip.

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/stage.dat

Data about different areas in the stage, what the map tiles are, which background images they use, and all the units being used in this stage.

  • data/tmap/stage/###_##1/stageConditions.dat

Localisations of the objective texts.

Battle Environments

Mobile Suits, Warships and other units

Group Dispatches

Group dispatches have a straightforward 4 digit id.

  • data/images/mission_l/gd####_l.txd/gd####_l.dds

1920 × 784 DDS in a TXD of the background for a dispatch.

  • data/images/mission_s/gd####_s.txd/gd####_s.dds

136 × 60 DDS in a TXD that's a thumbnail of the above.

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/GroupSendingMissionList.cdb

Primary data for group dispatches including rewards.

  • data/language/*/MiscData.tbl

Localisations for dispatch missions and their requirements. Shared with series names.


Read & Write - All Fields understood

  • All PKD archives ** data/**/*.pkd

  • All String TBL files ** data/language/*/MiscData.tbl ** data/language/*/StageList.tbl ** data/language/*/CharacterSpecList.tbl ** data/language/*/SpecProfileList.tbl ** data/stageComment/???_??0/*/StageCommentStringTable.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??0/stringTable/*/StringCommentStringTable.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??1/stringTable/*/TMapStringTable.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??2/stringTable/*/TMapStringTable2.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??3/stringTable/*/SeriesEndingStringTable.tbl

  • data/resident/CharacterConversionList.cdb

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/CharacterGrowthList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/MachineConversionList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/MachineDesignList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/MachineDevelopmentList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/PersonalMachineList.cdb

  • data/resident/StageList.pkd/GetUnitList.cdb

  • data/tmap/resident/effectList.dat

  • data/tmap/stage/StageClearGetList.cdb

Read & Write but some fields not understood

  • All Voice String TBL files ** data/stageComment/???_??0/StageCommentVoiceTable.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??1/VoiceTable.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??2/VoiceTable2.tbl ** data/tmap/stage/???_??3/SeriesEndingVoiceTable.tbl

  • data/resident/CellAttributeList.pkd/BattleBgList.cdb

  • data/resident/SeriesProfileList.cdb

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/SeriesList.cdb

  • data/resident/StageList.pkd/QuestList.cdb

  • data/resident/StageList.pkd/StageList.cdb

  • data/resident/SpecProfileList.cdb

  • data/tmap/resident/scoutMessageId.dat

  • data/tmap/resident/ActAbilityEffectList.cdb

In Progress

  • data/tmap/resident/MapTypes.cdb

  • data/tmap/resident/editBgmScoutId.dat

  • data/tmap/resident/MapWeaponList.dat

  • data/tmap/resident/movieList.dat

  • data/tmap/resident/powerUpList.dat

  • data/resident/AbilitySpecList.cdb

  • data/resident/CellAttributeList.pkd/CellAttributeList.cdb

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/CharacterSpecList.cdb

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/MyCharacterConfiguration.cdb

  • data/resident/CharacterSpecList.pkd/SkillAcquisitionPatternList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/MachineGrowthList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/MachineSpecList.cdb

  • data/resident/MachineSpecList.pkd/WeaponSpecList.cdb

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/GroupSendingMissionList.cdb

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/TutorialList.cdb

Not/Barely Started

  • data/tmap/stage/???_??1/stage.dat

  • data/tmap/stage/???_??1/stageConditions.dat

  • data/resident/CreditBgmList.cdb

  • data/resident/CreditList.cdb

  • data/resident/DlcList.dat

  • data/resident/GalleryMovieList.cdb

  • data/resident/MiscData.pkd/DatabaseCaluclation.cdb

  • data/resident/RangeDataList.cdb

  • data/resident/SteamDlcGroupList.dat

  • data/resident/TitleBgmList.cdb

  • data/battle/table/animation.tbl

  • data/battle/table/bomb_table.atp

  • data/battle/table/cockpit_bg_table.atp

  • data/battle/table/cutin_same.tbl

  • data/battle/table/cutin.tbl

  • data/battle/table/filter_table.atp

  • data/battle/table/idset.tbl

  • data/battle/table/information.tbl

  • data/battle/table/weapon.tbl