A set of scripts for analysing the fsires files that are given by the mass spectrometer. The shell script "fsiresParser.sh" parses only the table data for each fsires file and for each "Sample Id" it creates a txt file with all the respective runs in different blocks of data (in ascending order with respect of the fsires file). It also outputs an average file. The "plottingScript.sh" plots the txt files including the average files. This set of scripts were written for helping students analizing files given by the Laboratorio de EspectrometrĂa de Masas con Aceleradores (LEMA) in Mexico. Before using make sure you have the following sofware: Bash gnuplot (at least 5.0) python3 python3-numpy eog (In case you are not using Gnome) For sample fsires files download the following file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2znJ2THUGDiYWtOOVhxcUltck0 And unzip it into the scripts4LEMA directory. Then simply run the "fsiresParser.sh" script to get the txt files. The script will only choose as relevant columns the first, fourth, seventh, and eleventh ones. In case you want to plot a specific txt file (including the average files); simply run the plottingScript.sh (gnuplot is needed) with one of the txt files as argument. In case you want to plot against a specific column (say the fourth one), run: ./plottingScript.sh C7.txt -c 4