- Create user for hadoop and use it on all nodes
- run next commands (as root):
/usr/sbin/adduser hadoop
/usr/bin/passwd hadoop
chown -R hadoop:users $HADOOP_HOME
su hadoop
- run next commands (as root):
- Prepare environment on all nodes for hadoop user
- Install Java and specify
- Install Hadoop and specify
- Install Java and specify
- Generate ssh key for namenode and jobtracker
- run next commands on namenode and jobtracker node (as hadoop user):
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 755 ~/.ssh
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- run next commands on namenode and jobtracker node (as hadoop user):
- Copy ssh pub keys to all datanodes (skip this step for single node setup):
- run next command from namenode for each datanode (as hadoop user):
scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub hadoop@<datanodeIP>:/home/hadoop
ssh hadoop@<datanodeIP>
cat ~/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 755 ~/.ssh
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- run the same command from jobtracker to add jobtracker node public key to datanodes autorized keys
- run next command from namenode for each datanode (as hadoop user):
- Copy xmls from app conf folder into $HADOOP_HOME/conf folder (replace all exist files)
- Configure namenode
- add the hostname or IP address of all datanodes into $HADOOP_HOME/conf/slaves file. One adress per line. (skip this step for single node setup)
- run next commands (as hadoop user):
mkdir /home/hadoop/hdfs
mkdir /home/hadoop/hdfs/namesecondary
- open conf/hadoop-env.sh file and specify next environment variables:
export HADOOP_MASTER=<namenode_ip>:${HADOOP_HOME}
(skip this step for single node setup)export JAVA_HOME=[path to java folder]
- run command (as hadoop user):
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop namenode -format
- Configure datanode
- run next commands (as root):
mkdir -p /hadoop/hdfs/data
chown -R hadoop:users /hadoop
- run next commands (as hadoop user):
chmod 755 /hadoop/hdfs/data
mkdir /home/hadoop/hadoop_local
mkdir /home/hadoop/hadoop_system
- run next commands (as root):
- Increase limits of used resources in OS (for all nodes)
- Increase limit of opened files per user (do it for all nodes):
- add next line at the end of /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.epoll.max_user_instances = 2048
- add next line at the end of /etc/security/limits.conf
* soft nofile 2048
- add next line at the end of /etc/sysctl.conf
- Increase limit of new processes per user
- add next lines at the end of /etc/security/limits.conf
hadoop hard nproc 32000
hadoop soft nproc 32000
- add next lines at the end of /etc/security/limits.conf
- Increase limit of opened files per user (do it for all nodes):
- To startup Hadoop
- run from namenode (run from hadoop user. It will start namenode and all datanodes):
- run from jobtracker (run from hadoop user. It will start jobtracker and tasktrackers):
- run from namenode for single node setup (run from hadoop user)
- run from namenode (run from hadoop user. It will start namenode and all datanodes):
Link to download test data: https://www.dropbox.com/s/30ev33ezecc3lid/logs.tar.gz