- 3
routen neu aushandeln
#59 opened by DO1JLR - 0
- 5
Allow remote access button
#60 opened by DO1JLR - 2
- 2
- 0
alfred überarbeiten
#50 opened by DO1JLR - 1
firmware update only with ipv6 stack?
#105 opened by DEvil0000 - 1
grep established and sed established
#95 opened by wolf128058 - 0
- 0
looks like you get ffbsee ipv6 on lan while you get correct ipv4 192.168.133.X
#101 opened by DEvil0000 - 0
- 0
automate firmware build
#99 opened by DEvil0000 - 0
wireguard to replace fastd
#98 opened by DEvil0000 - 1
Only IPv6 and no IPv4 in Map
#94 opened by wolf128058 - 0
5g should use 40 wide channels not 80
#90 opened by DEvil0000 - 0
Gluon config request
#89 opened by phschoen - 1
Umstellung von FastD nach l2tp überlegen
#49 opened by DO1JLR - 0
freifunk/cgi-bin/status hänger
#85 opened by wolf128058 - 0
- 8
pulldown menus not working
#82 opened by DEvil0000 - 1
Save Button
#71 opened by wolf128058 - 1
- 1
Einstellungen in Datei Speichern
#33 opened by 205er - 5
CPE Router: PoE auf zweiter LAN-Buchse aktivieren
#35 opened by MH301 - 1
Config-Reset (mittlerer Button)
#72 opened by wolf128058 - 0
batctl - when not connected to gw
#63 opened by DEvil0000 - 1
reboot alle 6 tage
#58 opened by DO1JLR - 7
CPE210 resetbutton is not doing anything
#51 opened by phschoen - 3
- 2
Wunsch: Router-Neustart konfigurierbar
#13 opened by MH301 - 1
Graphen für die Statuspage (wie bei Gluon)
#8 opened by DO1JLR - 1
- 2
#43 opened by wolf128058 - 6
D-Link DIR-615 H1/2 Support
#48 opened by H3wastooshort - 0
Anmelden/Abmelden funktioniert nicht immer
#7 opened by DO1JLR - 2
WLAN Scan ist kaputt
#9 opened by DO1JLR - 1
Kernel download fails
#36 opened by darkdragon-001 - 1
#37 opened by DO1JLR - 3
- 6
Uhrzeit meshender Nodes stimmt nicht
#24 opened by 205er - 1
SSH Key über die Weboberfläche
#31 opened by DO1JLR - 1
- 0
- 0
CPE210/CPE510 - Mapping Port - Bezeichner anpassen
#26 opened by 205er - 1
- 2
Nodeliste: Link auf "Karte" führt ins Leere
#25 opened by 205er - 2
Knotenliste auf VPN5 nicht erreichbar
#10 opened by 205er