1st HTML/CSS + JS project : A notifications page with JS interactions to mark the motifs as read or not
I'm happy because the HTML/CSS part was quick, I start becoming more confident to create responsive stuff
I still don't really know how to organize the style.css file to make it the cleanest as possible, same for the script.js but I will keep applying the clean code rules I know for C/C++ until I do bigger JS projects
The JS DOM manipulation and event management is super intuitive, I really liked using it and am impatient to do much more
I need projects that will allow me to practice the more JS as possible, especially to get used to EM6 arrays, strings, objects and classes available functions. I think that I ll be forced to make the super-classic and super-not-original todo-list and calculator app before doing more interesting stuff
I used grafikart.fr, openclassrooms and the leetcode JS challenge to start learning JS - Latter I'll have to learn asynchronous programmation and how to use APIs