Movies App with Clean Architecture and Unit Tests (in progress)

This project shows how to implement a movies app in Flutter. I'm using Clean Architecture, Bloc 8.0.2 (latest version) and Unit Tests. The app uses the TMDB API to fetch a list of movies, and includes features such as pagination and local or remote storage (I'm still deciding wich storage option I will use).

Running the project

This project uses the TMDB API to get the latest movies data. Before running the app you need to sign up on the TMDB website, then obtain an API key on the settings API page.

App Overview

The application is composed by five main sections: Now Playing, Popular, Top Rated, Soon and Trending. Each movie shows as a poster using the image URL retrieved from the API. On Detail Movie Screen it's possible to see movie details such as: name, release date, rating, genres, overview and cast. If a movie has a trailer available, the button "Watch Trailer" will appear and show a list of trailers.

Supported State Management Solutions


Future Roadmap

  • Add more screens
  • Add more features
  • Add animations
  • Polish the UI
  • Integrate a remote storage (probably Firebase)