Primary LanguagePython


Recommend install in virtual environment

$ conda create -n yourenvname python=2.7 anaconda

Activate the enviorment

conda activate yourenvname

Install the required the packages inside the virtual environment

sh installation.sh


  • For GPU support during training, please refer to this tutorial.
  • Please make sure the configuration of environmental variables has been done under root path.
  • For CNN in ./expt3 first download CIFAR dataset and put the data in expt3/cnn/cifar10(100) and run the scripts to build up pickle input format (need minor changes on the path):
cd pylearn2/pylearn2/datasets
python cifar10.py
python cifar100.py
cd power-law/pylearn2/pylearn2/scripts/datasets
python make_cifar10_gcn_whitened.py
python make_cifar100_gcn_whitened.py

Run the models

For MLP on MNIST in Section 3.1

bash expt1/fc/run.sh

For CNN on MNIST experiment in Section 3.1

bash expt1/cnn/runMNIST.sh

For CNN on CIFAR-10 experiment in Section 3.1

bash expt1/cnn/runCIFAR.sh

For AlexNet on ImageNet experiment in Section 3.1

bash expt1/cnn_large/runAlexNet.sh

For VGG-16 on ImageNet experiment in Section 3.1

bash expt1/cnn/runVGG.sh

For ResNet-16 on ImageNet experiment in Section 3.1

bash expt1/cnn/runResNet.sh

For MLP (for CNN/VGG-16/AlexNet/ResNet-50, please change the corresponding scripts same as Section 3.1)in section 3.2, if you choose iterative pruning (Please change the directories of models):

python expt1/LTH/main.py --prune_type=lt --arch_type=fc2 --dataset=mnist --prune_percent=5 --prune_iterations=19
bash expt1/fc/run.sh

Or you use one-shot pruning (need to modify the prune fraction in bash file):

bash expt1/fc/run.sh

For experiments in section 3.3 & 4.2 (slightly change on dataset configuration, marked in code)

bash expt2/run.sh

For experiments in section 5.1 & 5.2

bash expt3/fc/run_pathnet.sh

For mlp on mnist in section 5.3

bash expt3/fc/run_pnn.sh

For cnn on cifar in section 5.3

bash expt3/cnn/run_cifar_pnn.sh