Machine Learning Foundations

Code for programming assignments in Python from the Coursera's course Machine Learning Foundations, taught by Carlos Guestrin and Emily Fox both of them from Washington University.

Week 1 - Introduction (No assignment)

  • getting-started-with-iPython-Notebook.ipynb - Introduction to iPython notebook.
  • getting-started-with-SFrames.ipynb - Introduction to SFrame.
  • people-example.csv - Input data for week 1.

Week 2 - Regression: Predicting House Prices (100%)

  • predicting-house-prices.ipynb - iPython notebook with a regression model developed for prediction of house prices.
  • - Database containing information about houses in the US (size, number of bathrooms, number of rooms, and so on) that was used to develop the aforementioned regression model.

Week 3 - Classification: Analyzing Product Sentiment (100%)

  • analyzing-product-sentiment.ipynb - iPython notebook with a classification model developed for recommending products on Amazon.
  • - Amazon database containing nformation about products ratings and reviews hat was used to develop the aforementioned classification model.

Week 4 - Clustering and Similarity: Document Retrieval (100%)

  • document-retrieval.ipynb - iPython notebook with a clustering model developed to find people releated to a given input.
  • - Wikipedia database containing articles about famous people.

Week 5 - Recomending Products: Song Recommender (100%)

  • song-recommender.ipynb - iPython notebook with a recommender model developed to find similar songs or recommend songs to a given user.
  • - Database containing information about musical preferences of users.

Week 6 - Deep Learning: Deep Features for Image Classification and Retrieval (100%)

  • deep-features-for-image-classification.ipynb - iPython notebook with a neural network trained to find similar images and clasify them in into one of four categories. Moreover, use transfer learning from the neural network ImageNet to compare perfomance against a neural network trained with millions of images.
  • deep-features-for-image-retrieval.ipynb - iPython notebook with a neural network developed to find similar images in the dataset.
  • - Folder with database for traininput data for week 2.
  • - Folder with input data for week 2.