
A soundkit keyboard that fires sounds and motion graphics, using P5 and bodymovin.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A soundkit keyboard that fires sounds and motion graphics, using P5.sound and bodymovin.

First discover

  • Download or clone the repo
  • Open terminal and type cd '/path/to/soundkit-mograph'
  • Start a simple server using python python -m SimpleHTTPServer 5000
  • Browse localhost:5000, yes it's black and fullscreen, don't panic.
  • Hit the A key or the Z key on your keyboard to see how it works.
  • Bonus: hit the 'Enter' key to go fullscreen

How to make your own keyboard

  • Prepare your mp3 and drop them in the samples folder.
  • Export your animations to json from After Effect with bodymovin in the anims folder.
  • List each couple sound/anim with the right keyCode in the keyboard.json file.
  • Enjoy, and be creative !


How to add a couple Sound/Motion

For the examples, i only put two couples, one for the 'A' and one for the 'Z'. To fill the 24 remaining letters, open the keyboard.json file, and add a object like this:

{"file": "your_audio.mp3", "pkey": the_keyCode_number_you_want_to_use, "anim": "path/to/anim_data_from_bodymovin.json"}

Don't forget commas ... ;)