
Business Process daemon

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Business Process daemon

This daemon is intented to be running some heavyweight jobs and to store their results in a REDIS server. Example of heavyweight job is an SQL query that last for more than a couple of seconds. If it's acceptable that it result can be cached for some time this is a project you might be interested in. You can choose for how long it will be cached and for each job when (peridiocity) it needs to be runned using a cron like expression.

It should be combined with some other tools that monitor REDIS server and uses the results to show some stats on a dashboard.

If you don't have a REDIS server installed check the redis installation manual.

Install process

Using bash:

git clone https://github.com/ffis/biprocess # clone repository
cd biprocess
npm install 	 #install dependencies
cp config-example.json config.json 	# copy config.json and configure database and redis connection parameters
mkdir jobs 	# use a directory to keep your jobs in a different directory than the code is
cp jobs-example.xml jobs/jobs.xml 		# configure what jobs should be executed and their peridiocity

Depending on the kind of database you want to connect (see next section), you may need to add one of the following:

npm install --save pg pg-hstore
npm install --save mysql2
npm install --save sqlite3
npm install --save tedious // MSSQL

If tests ran flawlessly then just keep the daemon running with something like:

sudo npm i -g mocha forever
npm test 				# run some tests to check everything is properly configured
pm2 start --name biprocess index.js -c config.json

How to configure config.json

The file that configures how to connect to the different services is config.json that looks like this:

	"db": {
		"enabled": true,
		"database": "",
		"username": "",
		"password": "",
		"options": {
			"dialect": "mssql",
			"host": "localhost",
			"logging": false
	"mongodb": {
        "enabled": true,
		"url": "mongodb://user:pass@server:27017/db",
        "database": "db"
	"redis": {
		"host": "localhost",
		"port": 6379,
		"no_ready_check": true,
		"channels": {
			"listen": ["create", "update"]
	"debug": true,
	"jobsDirectory": "jobs/",
	"server" : {
        "enabled": true,
        "port": 7890,
		"bind": ""

You should change the properties according to your infrastructure and services stack.

Note db.options.dialect accepts 'mysql'|'sqlite'|'postgres'|'mssql' as values. This tool uses Sequelize to gain support of several kind of databases. Check it for more configuration options information.

Copyright notes:

This software is available under MIT license:

  • Copyright (c) 2018, FFIS

Author: Loksly https://github.com/loksly/