
Collection of bash scripts to ease docker and kubernetes usage

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of scripts that ease daily docker and kubernetes usage.

  • docker-multitail CONTAINER_NAME [CONTAINER_NAME ...]: shows multiple container logs in one terminal window (requires multitail)
  • k8s-multitail POD_NAME [POD_NAME ...]: just like docker-multitail but for k8s pods
  • docker-tail: shows one container logs
  • k8s-tail: just like docker-tail but for k8s pods
  • docker-remove-unused-images: removes images marked as dangling
  • docker-remove-unused-volumes: removes volumes marked as dangling
  • docker-stop-all: stops all running containers
  • docker-stop-remove CONTAINER_NAME [CONTAINER_NAME ...]: stops and remove container(s)


Clone the repo somewhere on your disk, than add that folder to your PATH environment variable.


Each script has its own license. When not specified, a link to the original source of the code is provided. Everything brand new is released under GPLv3