A js library to show synchronized video and slides presentations, powering presentz.org
- aitor@linkingpaths
- andrea-ghLondon
- antranappWorld
- bsingr@coliquio - former Sophos, Git Tower, Inovex, 1&1
- childnode@dbsystel
- DanAntFerrariMilan, Italy
- danielfilhoGermany
- EdoardoMolinattiTeoresi S.p.A
- edouardouvrard@playmoweb
- ejembaKametic
- evandrixUndisclosed
- ffissore
- grigio
- gscalzoEffective Code Ltd
- GuilhermeBarileToptal
- hmert@monopayments
- johnrees
- kenlimmj@google
- MaherSaifWolphin
- mauricionobrega['Netshoes.com', 'Walmart.com', 'S4BDigital.net', 'Intersolution.com.br']
- mcdaveSpain
- mikedemarais@rainbow-me
- mrexroadSunnyvale, CA
- mteodori@HylandSoftware @Alfresco
- OndroNR@pygmalios @speekle
- onlymejoshSerious Fox
- oschrenkoschrenk
- paulrayner@virtualgenius
- robertpfeiffer
- rosco5@perpetua1
- scratcher28Russia
- spadinPasadena, CA
- squiddymomox
- tsubame959
- tyrion
- yvmarques