
DNS Updater using Vapor, Swift and DigitalOcean API

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Cloud Build Status MIT License Swift 4.2 Vapor 3

This package allows you to set up a service that updates DNS records using the DigitalOcean API. Its main purpose is being a target for other clients that only allow GET requests to send updates to DDNS services, e.g., routers like Fritz!Box.


You can either use the ffittschen/dns-updater image on DockerHub, or build the image on your own using the instructions below.


docker  run -it -d \
    -p 8080:80 \
    -e USERNAME=john_doe \
    -e PASSWORD=change_this_to_some_secure_password \
    -e API_KEY=your_digitalocean_api_key \
    -e ENVIRONMENT=production \
    --name dns-updater \

Alternatively, you can also create a .env file:


And then change the command to the following to use the .env file:

docker  run -it -d \
    -p 8080:80 \
    --env-file .env \
    --name dns-updater \

Build from Source / GitHub

git clone https://github.com/ffittschen/DNSUpdater
git checkout master
cd DNSUpdater
cp .env.sample .env
$EDITOR .env
docker build -t ffittschen/dns-updater:latest .
docker run -it -d -p 8080:80 --env-file .env --name=dns-updater ffittschen/dns-updater:latest


Port Description
80/TCP API to update DNS records


DNSUpdater provides a very simple interface, it only has one path: /api/v1/domains/updateRecord. To update a DNS record of a domain, you need to execute a GET request targeting the mentioned path and provide a few query parameters:

Parameter Type Description
domain string The name of the domain as it is managed by DigitalOcean, e.g., example.com
recordName string The name of the A record of the domain. If your subdomain is foo.example.com, the record name is foo.
ip string The dynamic IP address to which the A record should point, e.g.,

In addition to the query parameters, you need to authenticate the request using basic auth with the username and password provided as environment variables to the docker container:

Header Name Header Value
Authorization Basic am9obl9kb2U6c29tZV9zZWN1cmVfcGFzc3dvcmQ=

The header value is the username and password concatenated with a colon as separator and then encoded to base64. You can create the string by calling this command in your terminal:

echo -n john_doe:some_secure_password | base64


Since this is a DNS Updater, you need to make sure that a record with the name that you pass as a query parameter already exists in your DigitalOcean account.