
💻 Public repo for my personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


This is my public repo for my dotfiles setup. Basically, this is a mix of scripts, used to install applications on a freshly reinstalled Mac and dotfiles, which will restore my settings.

These dotfiles are managed using chezmoi

Clean macOS Setup

Follow these install instructions to setup a new Mac.

  1. Launch Terminal.app
  2. Install Homebrew
  3. Run the chezmoi installation command: sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- -b "$HOME/.local/bin" init ffittschen
  4. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy
  5. Allow Full Disk Access for iTerm.app
  6. Launch iTerm.app
  7. Enable biometric unlock in the 1Password app.
  8. Establish 1Password session: eval (op signin)
  9. Run chezmoi update to complete the setup

Your Mac is now ready to use!