iOS Engineer @Sixt | M.Sc. graduate @ Technical University of Munich.
@SixtMunich, Germany
ffittschen's Followers
- art-divinEvolutions - FZCO
- bebecapGermany
- carmen-ghMaibornWolff
- cindycalixto
- debbanemGermany
- dmytrochumakovDevlight
- drewsen88BookATrip Technologies
- FilipeNMarquesOiti
- gkaimakasGreece
- hassanmasood54Lahore
- hirukofuji
- iSapozhnikMunich, Germany
- jesus-rodMunich, Germany
- kaanbiryol@Sixt
- kabirkhaanSixt SE
- KevinHock@grammarly (Formerly @pinterest, @Yelp)
- Khalilheyrani6367
- kordianbruck@google
- KyleCharlesAnonymous
- lukaskollmerTechnical University of Munich
- mammuthGermany
- mfreiwaldNetlight
- moritzsternemannUIKit @ Apple
- musakokcenMunich, Germany
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- nityanandaz
- ourangzebMOF
- phenemannJoyn
- RajaZahid
- shenol@Enrion
- tankadesignTanka Design
- tavares1willbank
- TheFanatr
- webknjaz@Ansible Core Engineering Team @ @RedHatOfficial
- yawboafohubtel
- yttrm1Annapolis, MD, USA