
Checkbox with autocomplete and other additions for Inquirer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Inquirer Checkbox Plus Prompt

A plugin for Inquirer, similar to the original checkbox with extra features.




yarn add https://github.com/Michael-RealT/inquirer-checkbox-plus-prompt.git


You can name it with any name other than checkbox-plus, just change the string 'checkbox-plus' to anything else.

import inquirer from 'inquirer';
const { registerPrompt, prompt } = inquirer;
import checkboxPlusPrompt from 'inquirer-checkbox-plus-prompt'

inquirer.registerPrompt('checkbox-plus', checkboxPlusPrompt);

  type: 'checkbox-plus',


Takes type, name, message, source[, filter, validate, default, pageSize, highlight, searchable] properties.

The extra options that this plugin provides are:

  • source: (Function) a method that called to return a promise that should be resolved with a list of choices in a similar format as the choices option in the original checkbox prompt of Inquirer.
  • highlight: (Boolean) if true, the current selected choice gets highlighted. Default: false.
  • searchable: (Boolean) if true, allow the user to filter the list. The source function gets called everytime the search query is changed. Default: false.


Check example.js for a more advanced example.

import inquirer from 'inquirer';
const { registerPrompt, prompt } = inquirer;

import fuzzy from 'fuzzy';

import CheckboxPlusPrompt from './index.js'

registerPrompt('checkbox-plus', CheckboxPlusPrompt);

const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'];

  type: 'checkbox-plus',
  name: 'colors',
  message: 'Enter colors',
  pageSize: 10,
  highlight: true,
  searchable: true,
  default: ['yellow', 'red'],
      validate: function (answer) {
      if (answer.length < 1) {
        return 'You must choose at least one topping.';
      return true;
  source: function(answersSoFar, input) {
    input = input || '';
    return new Promise(function(resolve) {
      const fuzzyResult = fuzzy.filter(input, colors);
      const data = fuzzyResult.map(function(element) {
        return element.original;
}]).then(function(answers) {


This project is under the MIT license.