
Mender Helm charts

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Mender is a robust and secure way to update all your software and deploy your IoT devices at scale with support for customization.


Using helm:

$ make package
$ helm install mender ./mender-3.0.0.tgz


This chart bootstraps a Mender deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 3.0-beta3+

External services required

This Helm chart does not install the following external services and dependencies which are required to run Mender:

  • mongodb
  • MinIO
  • NATS

Installing mongodb

You can install mongodb using the official mongodb Helm chart using helm:

$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
$ helm repo update
$ helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb --version 10.21.1 --set "image.tag=4.4.6-debian-10-r29" --set "auth.enabled=false"

Installing MinIO

You can install MinIO using the official MinIO Helm chart using helm:

$ helm repo add minio https://helm.min.io/
$ helm repo update
$ helm install minio minio/minio --version 8.0.10 --set "image.tag=RELEASE.2021-02-14T04-01-33Z" --set "accessKey=myaccesskey,secretKey=mysecretkey"

Installing NATS

Follow instructions from https://nats-io.github.io/k8s using helm:

$ helm repo add nats https://nats-io.github.io/k8s/helm/charts/
$ helm repo update
$ helm install nats nats/nats --version 0.8.2 --set "nats.image=nats:2.3.1-alpine"

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release using helm:

$ helm install my-release -f values.yaml ./mender-3.0.0.tgz

The command deploys Mender on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

This is the minimum values.yaml file needed to install Mender:

    username: <your_user>
    password: <your_password>
  url: https://mender.example.com

    cert: |-
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    key: |-
      -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----

    key: |-
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    key: |-
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

    key: |-
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

You can generate your cert and key for api-gareway using openssl:

$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name prime256v1) -keyout private.key -out certificate.crt -subj /CN="your.host.name"

You can generate the RSA private keys for device-auth, tenantadm and useradm using openssl:

$ openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out device_auth.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:3072
$ openssl rsa -in device_auth.key -out device_auth_converted.key
$ mv device_auth_converted.key device_auth.key

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Complete list of parameters

The following table lists the global parameters supported by the chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
global.enterprise Enable the enterprise features true
global.hosted Enabled Hosted Mender specific features false
global.image.registry Global Docker image registry registry.mender.io
global.image.username Global Docker image registry username nil
global.image.password Global Docker image registry username password
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
global.mongodb.URL MongoDB URL mongodb://mongodb
global.nats.URL NATS URL nats://nats:4222
global.s3.AWS_URI AWS S3 / MinIO URI http://minio:9000
global.s3.AWS_BUCKET AWS S3 / MinIO bucket minio-hosted-mender-artifacts
global.s3.AWS_REGION AWS S3 region us-east-1
global.s3.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS S3 / MinIO key ID myaccesskey
global.s3.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS S3 / MinIO access key mysecretkey
global.s3.AWS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME Use K8s service account instead of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to access the bucket. ""
global.s3.AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE Set the AWS S3 URI style to path true
global.s3.AWS_TAG_ARTIFACT Tag the artifact in the AWS S3 storage service with the tenant ID true
global.smtp.EMAIL_SENDER SMTP email sender root@localhost
global.smtp.SMTP_ADDRESS SMTP server address smtp.mailtrap.io
global.smtp.SMTP_LOGIN SMTP server username null
global.smtp.SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP server password null
global.smtp.SMTP_SSL Enable the SSL connection to the SMTP server false
global.url Public URL of the Mender Server, replace with your domain https://mender-api-gateway

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install my-release \
  --set mongodbRootPassword=secretpassword,mongodbUsername=my-user,mongodbPassword=my-password,mongodbDatabase=my-database \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml ./mender-3.0.0.tgz

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Parameters: api-gateway

The following table lists the parameters for the api-gateway component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
api_gateway.enabled Enable the component true
api_gateway.dashboard Enable the Traefik dashboard (port 8080) false
api_gateway.image.registry Docker image registry docker.io
api_gateway.image.repository Docker image repository traefik
api_gateway.image.tag Docker image tag v2.4
api_gateway.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
api_gateway.replicas Number of replicas 1
api_gateway.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
api_gateway.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 600m
api_gateway.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 1G
api_gateway.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 600m
api_gateway.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 512M
api_gateway.service.name Name of the service mender-api-gateway
api_gateway.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
api_gateway.service.type Service type ClusterIP
api_gateway.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
api_gateway.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
api_gateway.service.httpPort Port for the HTTP service 80
api_gateway.service.httpsPort Port for the HTTPS service 443
api_gateway.service.httpNodePort Node port for the HTTP service nil
api_gateway.service.httpsNodePort Node port for the HTTPS service nil
api_gateway.env.SSL SSL termination flag true
api_gateway.minio.enabled Enable routing of S3 requests to the minio service true
api_gateway.minio.url URL of the minio service http://minio:9000

Parameters: deployments

The following table lists the parameters for the deployments component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
deployments.enabled Enable the component true
deployments.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
deployments.image.registry Docker image registry registry.mender.io if global.enterprise is true, else docker.io
deployments.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/deployments-enterprise if global.enterprise is true, else mendersoftware/deployments
deployments.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
deployments.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
deployments.replicas Number of replicas 1
deployments.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
deployments.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 300m
deployments.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
deployments.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 300m
deployments.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 64M
deployments.service.name Name of the service mender-deployments
deployments.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
deployments.service.type Service type ClusterIP
deployments.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
deployments.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
deployments.service.port Port for the service 8080
deployments.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil
deployments.env.DEPLOYMENTS_PRESIGN_SECRET Set the secret for generating signed url, must be a base64 encoded secret. random value at start-up time

Parameters: device-auth

The following table lists the parameters for the device-auth component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
device_auth.enabled Enable the component true
device_auth.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
device_auth.image.registry Docker image registry docker.io
device_auth.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/deviceauth
device_auth.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
device_auth.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
device_auth.replicas Number of replicas 1
device_auth.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
device_auth.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 350m
device_auth.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
device_auth.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 350m
device_auth.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 128M
device_auth.service.name Name of the service mender-device-auth
device_auth.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
device_auth.service.type Service type ClusterIP
device_auth.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
device_auth.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
device_auth.service.port Port for the service 8080
device_auth.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil
device_auth.env.DEVICEAUTH_INVENTORY_ADDR Set the DEVICEAUTH_INVENTORY_ADDR variable http://mender-inventory:8080/
device_auth.env.DEVICEAUTH_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDR Set the DEVICEAUTH_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDR variable http://mender-workflows-server:8080
device_auth.env.DEVICEAUTH_JWT_ISSUER Set the DEVICEAUTH_JWT_ISSUER variable Mender
device_auth.env.DEVICEAUTH_TENANTADM_ADDR Set the DEVICEAUTH_TENANTADM_ADDR variable http://mender-tenantadm:8080

Parameters: gui

The following table lists the parameters for the gui component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
gui.enabled Enable the component true
gui.image.registry Docker image registry docker.io
gui.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/gui
gui.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
gui.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
gui.replicas Number of replicas 1
gui.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
gui.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 20m
gui.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 64M
gui.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 5m
gui.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 16M
gui.service.name Name of the service mender-gui
gui.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
gui.service.type Service type ClusterIP
gui.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
gui.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
gui.service.port Port for the service 80
gui.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil

Parameters: inventory

The following table lists the parameters for the inventory component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
inventory.enabled Enable the component true
inventory.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
inventory.image.registry Docker image registry registry.mender.io if global.enterprise is true, else docker.io
inventory.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/inventory-enterprise if global.enterprise is true, else mendersoftware/inventory
inventory.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
inventory.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
inventory.replicas Number of replicas 1
inventory.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
inventory.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 300m
inventory.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
inventory.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 300m
inventory.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 128M
inventory.service.name Name of the service mender-inventory
inventory.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
inventory.service.type Service type ClusterIP
inventory.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
inventory.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
inventory.service.port Port for the service 8080
inventory.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil

Parameters: tenantadm

The following table lists the parameters for the tenantadm component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
tenantadm.enabled Enable the component true
tenantadm.image.registry Docker image registry registry.mender.io
tenantadm.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/tenantadm-enterprise
tenantadm.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
tenantadm.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
tenantadm.replicas Number of replicas 1
tenantadm.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
tenantadm.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 150m
tenantadm.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
tenantadm.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 150m
tenantadm.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 64M
tenantadm.service.name Name of the service mender-tenantadm
tenantadm.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
tenantadm.service.type Service type ClusterIP
tenantadm.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
tenantadm.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
tenantadm.service.port Port for the service 8080
tenantadm.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil
tenantadm.env.TENANTADM_SERVER_PRIV_KEY_PATH Set the TENANTADM_SERVER_PRIV_KEY_PATH variable /etc/tenantadm/rsa/private.pem
tenantadm.env.TENANTADM_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDR Set the TENANTADM_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDR variable http://mender-workflows-server:8080/
tenantadm.env.TENANTADM_RECAPTCHA_URL_VERIFY Set the TENANTADM_RECAPTCHA_URL_VERIFY variable https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify

Parameters: useradm

The following table lists the parameters for the useradm component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
useradm.enabled Enable the component true
useradm.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
useradm.image.registry Docker image registry registry.mender.io if global.enterprise is true, else docker.io
useradm.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/useradm-enterprise if global.enterprise is true, else mendersoftware/useradm
useradm.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
useradm.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
useradm.replicas Number of replicas 1
useradm.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
useradm.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 150m
useradm.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
useradm.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 150m
useradm.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 64M
useradm.service.name Name of the service mender-useradm
useradm.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
useradm.service.type Service type ClusterIP
useradm.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
useradm.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
useradm.service.port Port for the service 8080
useradm.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil
useradm.env.USERADM_JWT_ISSUER Set the USERADM_JWT_ISSUER variable Mender Users
useradm.env.USERADM_JWT_EXP_TIMEOUT Set the USERADM_JWT_EXP_TIMEOUT variable 604800
useradm.env.USERADM_SERVER_PRIV_KEY_PATH Set the USERADM_SERVER_PRIV_KEY_PATH variable /etc/useradm/rsa/private.pem
useradm.env.USERADM_MIDDLEWARE Set the USERADM_MIDDLEWARE variable prod
useradm.env.USERADM_TENANTADM_ADDR Set the USERADM_TENANTADM_ADDR variable http://mender-tenantadm:8080
useradm.env.USERADM_TOTP_ISSUER Set the USERADM_TOTP_ISSUER variable Mender

Parameters: workflows

The following table lists the parameters for the workflows-server component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
workflows.enabled Enable the component true
workflows.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
workflows.image.registry Docker image registry registry.mender.io if global.enterprise is true, else docker.io
workflows.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/workflows-enterprise if global.enterprise is true, else mendersoftware/workflows
workflows.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
workflows.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
workflows.replicas Number of replicas 1
workflows.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
workflows.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 100m
workflows.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
workflows.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 10m
workflows.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 64M
workflows.service.name Name of the service mender-workflows-server
workflows.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
workflows.service.type Service type ClusterIP
workflows.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
workflows.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
workflows.service.port Port for the service 8080
workflows.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil

Parameters: create_artifact_worker

The following table lists the parameters for the create-artifact-worker component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
create_artifact_worker.enabled Enable the component true
create_artifact_worker.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
create_artifact_worker.image.registry Docker image registry docker.io
create_artifact_worker.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/create-artifact-worker
create_artifact_worker.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
create_artifact_worker.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
create_artifact_worker.replicas Number of replicas 1
create_artifact_worker.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
create_artifact_worker.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 100m
create_artifact_worker.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 1024M
create_artifact_worker.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 100m
create_artifact_worker.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 128M

Parameters: auditlogs

The following table lists the parameters for the auditlogs component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
auditlogs.enabled Enable the component true
auditlogs.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
auditlogs.image.registry Docker image registry registry.mender.io
auditlogs.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/auditlogs
auditlogs.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
auditlogs.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
auditlogs.replicas Number of replicas 1
auditlogs.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
auditlogs.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 50m
auditlogs.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
auditlogs.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 50m
auditlogs.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 128M
auditlogs.service.name Name of the service mender-auditlogs
auditlogs.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
auditlogs.service.type Service type ClusterIP
auditlogs.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
auditlogs.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
auditlogs.service.port Port for the service 8080
auditlogs.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil

Parameters: deviceconnect

The following table lists the parameters for the deviceconnect component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
deviceconnect.enabled Enable the component true
deviceconnect.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
deviceconnect.image.registry Docker image registry docker.io
deviceconnect.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/deviceconnect
deviceconnect.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
deviceconnect.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
deviceconnect.replicas Number of replicas 1
deviceconnect.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
deviceconnect.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 100m
deviceconnect.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
deviceconnect.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 100m
deviceconnect.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 128M
deviceconnect.service.name Name of the service mender-deviceconnect
deviceconnect.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
deviceconnect.service.type Service type ClusterIP
deviceconnect.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
deviceconnect.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
deviceconnect.service.port Port for the service 8080
deviceconnect.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil

Parameters: deviceconfig

The following table lists the parameters for the deviceconfig component and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
deviceconfig.enabled Enable the component true
deviceconfig.automigrate Enable automatic database migrations at service start up true
deviceconfig.image.registry Docker image registry docker.io
deviceconfig.image.repository Docker image repository mendersoftware/deviceconfig
deviceconfig.image.tag Docker image tag mender-3.0.0
deviceconfig.image.imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
deviceconfig.replicas Number of replicas 1
deviceconfig.affinity Affinity map for the POD {}
deviceconfig.resources.limits.cpu Resources CPU limit 100m
deviceconfig.resources.limits.memory Resources memory limit 128M
deviceconfig.resources.requests.cpu Resources CPU request 100m
deviceconfig.resources.requests.memory Resources memory request 128M
deviceconfig.service.name Name of the service mender-deviceconfig
deviceconfig.service.annotations Annotations map for the service {}
deviceconfig.service.type Service type ClusterIP
deviceconfig.service.loadBalancerIP Service load balancer IP nil
deviceconfig.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service load balancer source ranges nil
deviceconfig.service.port Port for the service 8080
deviceconfig.service.nodePort Node port for the service nil

Create a tenant and a user from command line

Enterprise version

You can create a tenant from the command line of the tenantadm pod; the value printed is the newly generated tenant ID:

$ tenantadm create-org --name demo --username "admin@mender.io" --password "adminadmin" --plan enterprise

You can create additional useres from the command line of the useradm pod:

$ useradm create-user --username "demo@mender.io" --password "demodemo" --tenant-id "5dcd71624143b30050e63bed"

Open Source version

If you are running the Open Source version of Mender, you won't have the tenantadm service. You can create users directly in the useradm pod:

$ useradm create-user --username "demo@mender.io" --password "demodemo"

Test the service through the GUI

You can port-forward the mender-api-gateway Kubernetes service to verify the system is up and running:

$ kubectl port-forward service/mender-api-gateway 443:443


We welcome and ask for your contribution. If you would like to contribute to Mender, please read our guide on how to best get started contributing code or documentation.


Mender is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

Security disclosure

We take security very seriously. If you come across any issue regarding security, please disclose the information by sending an email to security@mender.io. Please do not create a new public issue. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Connect with us