
deeplx in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pytestpythonCode style: blackLicense: MITPyPI version

deeplx in python

Install it

pip install deeplx_tr --pre

Use it

from command line

deeplx-tr hello world
# 哈罗世界

deeplx-tr hello world -t de
# Hallo Welt

deeplx-tr --help


python -m deeplx_tr hello world
python -m deeplx_tr hello world -d
python -m deeplx_tr --help

from python

from deeplx_tr import deeplx_tr

res = deeplx_tr("hello world")
# 哈罗世界

res = deeplx_tr("hello world", to_lang="de")
# Hallo Welt

N.B. deeplx-tr will likely spit out too many requestes if you call it too often before long. But it's sufficient for ordinary average daily translation. If you have a higher demand, try deeplx.org for which we provided two clients for your convenience.

clients to query a deeplx server (default deepx.org)

from deeplx_tr import deeplx_client, deeplx_client_async

res = deeplx_client("hello world")
# '哈罗世界'

res = deeplx_client("hello world", target_lang="de")
# 'Hallo Welt'

# if you host your own deeplx, for example, at `'
# res = deeplx_client("hello world", url="")

An async client is also available, e.g.

import asyncio
from deeplx_tr import deeplx_client_async

async def main():
  res = await asyncio.gather(deeplx_client_async("hello world"), deeplx_client_async("test"))

# ['哈罗世界', '测试']

The default concurrency limit is 5 but can be altered by setting the environ variable CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, e.g.

set CONCURRENCY_LIMIT=8  # in Windows

# export CONCURRENCY_LIMIT=8 in Linux