
This repository contains my first portfolio in which I used bootstrap 4 to create a responsive web application and a grid layout. I included a sticky footer and tried a little styling with Google Fonts, Font Awesome icons and colorized buttons, navigation bar and footer.

Primary LanguageHTML

Unit 02 CSS and Bootstrap Homework: Responsive Portfolio

Responsive design ensures that web applications render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. As a developer, I will likely be asked to create a mobile-first application or add responsive design to an existing application. 

My first experience using Bootstrap to build a web application was incredibly informative and gave me a small sense of achievement as I saw it come together. While it was challenging, I really enjoyed this assignment.


* Using Bootstrap, I created my own portfolio site fulfilling the following items:

   * A navbar.

   * A responsive layout.

   * Responsive images.
   * Contains the following pages: `index.html`, `portfolio.html` and `contact.html`.
   * Functional, deployed application using Bootstrap's grid system (containers, rows, and columns).
   * On an `xs` screen, content takes up the entire screen. On `sm` and larger screens, there are margins on the left and right sides of the screen.
   * GitHub repository with README describing the project.


* Using Bootstrap, I made a sticky footer.

* I used sub-rows and sub-columns on my portfolio site.

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