
Module to sync the members list of a ProcessWire powered site with MailChimp

Primary LanguagePHP

MailChimp Synchronisation for ProcessWire

This prototype module will synchronise your ProcessWire user list with a list in MailChimp. It takes the approach of synchronising the entire user list into a single list but stores the user's roles as Interests. This allows you to segment your users based on their group membership and avoids the challenges of adding and removing users onto multiple lists.

Installation and use

Currently the module will not automatically update a new list. To install the module you will need to do the following:

  1. Create an API key and a blank list in MailChimp
  2. Make sure you have email, first name and surname fields, or equivalent in your user database in PW
  3. Add your key and the field names in the module setup
  4. From a template run, $modules->get('MailChimpSync')->syncAll($users); to do the initial import. You can also run this from an interactive shell by loading the PW api and using the following, wire('modules')->get('MailChimpSync')->syncAll(wire('users));

From now on whenever one of the synchronised fields is changed, the user's details will be updated on MailChimp. You can segment your list based on the user's role membership.

Further improvements

  • Switch to scheduled updates. To avoid updating the whole list users should be flagged as requiring an update when one of the relevant fields is updated. LazyCron or cron jobs would update flagged users.
  • Automatic creation of the list on MailCimp and initial import.