
Cross Platform Gaming System

Primary LanguageC++


Cross Platform Gaming System

(work in progress...)

The main (& only one built) is an ARM+Arduino Handheld Console System

The V4 Console

not yet working

  • NO Keyb USB mounted
  • will never be able to have RX2/ttyS3 because of SPI/CS


  • screen
  • LED
  • all btns
  • Wifi
  • USB eth
  • Sound


Whole Layout

Later Ideas

  • use a 328P 3.3v 8MHz to drive SX1509 (0x3E on I2c) ?

    • then plug it in Serial to Arietta

    • could easily plug it onto RX1-TX1/ttyS2

      • Serial0 will not have kernel timeout control (no failures messages)

      • Serial0 is used in /etc/inttab & gpio.dts for kernel dbug ??? (@ 115200 ProMini 3.3v can't do that)

      • will have to wire DFPlayer to a tty too ! (ttyS2 / Serial1)

        • 328p as I2c master + SoftwareSerial to drive DFPlayer & take its place on ttyS2
          • according to DFSoundCard.cpp can be TXOnly (or use TX2/ttyS3 ?)
          • CHECK that opening ttyS3 doesn't makes Screen CS hangs !!!!!!
      • have to thing to IPC Vs port data consuming

      • when lua runs a native : should kill lua + add a flag to restart it (save state ?)