8 Ball Pool Ball Path Prediction

It's a x86 hack library, designed to work on gameloop emulator.


  • Ball Path Prediction
  • Auto-Aim - disabled by default
  • AdBlock (Ad Break Screen)

Preview: Watch the video Auto-Aim preview: https://youtu.be/7-cKs1hOfdE

Supported Platforms:

  • Windows Only


  • game uses the same algorithm for all platforms.
  • offsets are the same in Android, they might be differnt for other platforms.


D2DOverlay precompiled lib


compile using microsoft visual studio version 2019/2022 with the following settings:

  • x86 & Release
  • C++ language standard: Preview - Features from the Latest C++ Working Draft (/std:c++latest)
  • C language standard: ISO C17 (2018) Standard (/std:c17)

Code documentation:

unfortunately i'm not used to write documentation in my code, but i should start doing it.


  • run 8BP game on gameloop
  • run hack as administrator

Final Notes:

  • I don't encourage using hacks in games, also i'm not responsible for any misuse/ban
  • code isn't optimized a lot just take that in account for a better performance.