this repository holds code written in go that demonstrates two things.
- database listener that asynchronous notify the client
- websocket server that broadcast messages to all registered clients
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_event() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE data json; notification json; BEGIN -- Convert the old or new row to JSON, based on the kind of action. -- Action = DELETE? -> OLD row -- Action = INSERT or UPDATE? -> NEW row IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN data = row_to_json(OLD); ELSE data = row_to_json(NEW); END IF; -- Contruct the notification as a JSON string. notification = json_build_object( 'table',TG_TABLE_NAME, 'action', TG_OP, 'data', data); -- Execute pg_notify(channel, notification) PERFORM pg_notify('events',notification::text); -- Result is ignored since this is an AFTER trigger RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER products_notify_event AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON portal_eventrequests FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_event();
every INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE to postgresql table portal_eventrequest will trigger the function notify_event() and these function sends a notification as a JSON string to the listener in listener.go.
example JSON string
{ "table": "portal_eventrequests", "action": "INSERT", "data": { "id": 74036, "created_on": "2020-03-30T13:17:41.092166+00:00", "url": "https:/", "termin_id": 26830, "user_hash_id": 52, "ev_id": 26830, "ev_type": 0 } }
these message was broadcast to all registered clients as you can see here in listener.go line 35.
more examples for websocket handling you can find in the official gorilla websocket repository.
the file .env holds all variables to connect to postgres database. adapt it for you.
HOST=your host PORT=5432 USER=your db username PASSWORD=your db password DBNAME=your db name
git clone cd psqlisten2websocket make run open a new browser with http://localhost:8080 then add new data to your database table und check the output on your console or browser.
feel free to build fancy dashboards, chats and notification systems with go and websockets.