
Universal backup and recovery using S3 storage

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pypi version Python versions build License Downloads



The utility is designed for backup and restore databases to S3 storage. So far, PostgreSQL and MS SQL databases are supported.



The basic dependencies and package are easy to install:

sudo apt install -y p7zip-full unixodbc-dev python3.8 python3-pip && python3.8 -m pip install ubarec

When working with MS SQL, you must install the appropriate ODBC driver.


The program uses the console archiver 7-Zip, which should be pre-installed in any convenient way, for example, with the chocolatey:

choco install 7zip 

The module is installed from the environment with administrator privileges:

py -m pip install ubarec

Working principle

In backup mode Ubarec performs the following actions for each of the databases specified in the command line parameters

  • forms database dump (either by executing SQL script or using standard utilities)
  • archives the dump using 7zip; if the UBAREC_ZIP_PASSWORD environment variable is set, the archive is password-protected
  • the created archive is copied to the S3-storage
  • files created during the previous stages are deleted

The formed database archive has a file name by mask:

The current hostname>__<DB name>__<Time Label>.zip

In recovery mode Ubarec performs the following algorithm:

  • searches for the last archive of the specified database in the S3 storage
  • copies the found archive to a temporary folder
  • unpacks the archive using the UBAREC_ZIP_PASSWORD password
  • if the do_restore key is specified, restores the database in the DBMS either by executing an SQL script or using the standard utilities (depending on the DBMS type)
  • deletes the files created during the previous steps; if the do_restore key is specified, the database dump remains


According to the principles of the 12-factor application, Ubarec takes settings from environment variables.

Name Required? Default value Description
UBAREC_ENDPOINT_URL No https://storage.yandexcloud.net S3 object storage entry point
UBAREC_REGION_NAME No ru-central1 Region name
UBAREC_ACCESS_KEY Yes Bucket access key ID
UBAREC_SECRET_KEY Yes Bucket secret key
UBAREC_DB_TYPE No mssql Database type ('mssql' or 'postgres')
UBAREC_DB_HOST No localhost Database server
UBAREC_DB_PORT No Database connection port
UBAREC_DB_USERNAME Yes User name to connect to the database
UBAREC_DB_PASSWORD Yes Password to connect to the database
UBAREC_DB_DRIVER No ODBC driver to connect to the database (used for MSSQL)
UBAREC_TEMP_PATH No User temporary files storage Path for storing temporary files
UBAREC_LOG_PATH No Log storage path
UBAREC_DEBUG No False Debug mode
UBAREC_FILENAME_PREFIX Нет {hostname}__{backup_name}__ Prefix of file name uploaded to S3 storage


ubarec backup --help

TODO: Describe the backup algorithm, startup keys

Restore from backup

ubarec restore --help

TODO: Describe the restore algorithm, startup keys