
Introduces a DbSession object that manages the database connnection and transaction.

Primary LanguageC#


Build Status NuGet Badge

This project introduces a DbSession class which manages the connection to a (relational) database and the related transaction (if any).


PM > Install-Package Fg.DbUtils


I'm using the DbSession class when using Dapper to communicate with a relational database. When starting a transaction on the DbSession, you do not need to pass in the IDbTransaction object with each database request. Since IDbSession implements the IDbConnection interface, integration with Dapper is fairly easy.

Executing transactional DB queries

DbSession session = new DbSession(_connection);

await session.WithTransactionAsync( async () => 
    // Note that we do not need to pass in the transaction parameter.
    await session.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName) VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName)",
                               param: new { FirstName = "Frederik", LastName = "Gheysels" });
    if( new Random().NextValue(3) % 2 != 0 )
        // Throwing an exception will make sure that the transaction is rollbacked.
        throw new InvalidOperationException();
    // When no exception occurs, the transaction is committed