
This code combines Arduino and python to give a pygame based GUI display to see the status of the sensors.

Primary LanguageC++

Install Python Packages

pip install Flask pyserial threading jsonify

Python version 3.11

Raspberry Pi Headless Setup Guide

After flashing the Raspberry Pi OS onto an SD card using tools like Etcher, follow these steps to set up your Pi for headless access (without a monitor).

1. Enable SSH Access

To enable SSH access:

  • Create an empty file named ssh (with no file extension) and place it in the root directory of the boot partition.

2. Set Up WiFi (Optional)

Note:Make sure the wifi you are using is 2.4 GHz since the pi only supports 2.4 GHz

If you want your Raspberry Pi to connect to your WiFi network on boot:

  1. Create a file named wpa_supplicant.conf in the root directory of the boot partition.
  2. Add the following content, replacing with your actual WiFi details:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Ensure to replace YOUR_WIFI_SSID and YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD with your WiFi credentials. If you're not in the US, adjust the country field accordingly.

3. Safely Eject the SD Card

  • Ensure you safely eject the SD card from your computer.

4. Boot Your Raspberry Pi

  • Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and power it on.
  • After it's booted up, you can access your Raspberry Pi via SSH from another computer on the same network using:

ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

The default password is raspberry.

5. Setting a Secure Password

For enhanced security, it's recommended to change the default password to something unique. You can generate a secure password hash using:

echo 'your_password' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin

This command will provide you with a hashed version of your password. Use this hash when setting up password authentication in relevant configuration files.

How to Detach the Flask Server from the SSH Session

This README guides you on how to manage and monitor the Humidity Control Arduino service running on a Raspberry Pi. You can both use the screen method to run it interactively and the systemd service to run it as a background process.

Using screen:

Installing screen:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install screen

Starting the Script with screen:

  1. SSH into your Raspberry Pi:

    ssh raspberrypi@raspberrypi.local
  2. Start a new screen session named "arduino":

    screen -S arduino
  3. Run the script:

    sudo python3 web_server.py
  4. Detach from the screen session with CTRL + A followed by CTRL + D.

Re-attaching to the screen:

If you want to see the live output or interact with the running script:

screen -r arduino

Use systemd to restart the Web Server upon reboot of the Pi:

humidity-control.service should already be in the directory

Starting the Service:

sudo systemctl start humidity-control.service

Stopping the Service:

sudo systemctl stop humidity-control.service

Restarting the Service:

sudo systemctl restart humidity-control.service

Status of the Service:

sudo systemctl status humidity-control.service

Arduino Command Line Interface (CLI) Setup on Raspberry Pi

Follow these steps to install, set up, and use the arduino-cli on the Raspberry Pi to compile and upload sketches to your Arduino board. The use of this is to be able to change or upload new arduino sketches from ssh. Make sure you are ssh'd into the Pi.

1. Installing arduino-cli

Download and install the arduino-cli:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arduino/arduino-cli/master/install.sh | sh

2. Update $PATH

Append the installation directory of arduino-cli to your ~/.bashrc:

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/home/krypgrund/krypgrund/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc

Reload your ~/.bashrc:

source ~/.bashrc

3. Initialize Configuration

Initialize a new configuration file:

arduino-cli config init

4. Update Core Index

Fetch the latest list of available platforms:

arduino-cli core update-index

5. Installing Arduino Core

(Note: Additional instructions to be added based on the specific core or other requirements.)

Setting Up Custom Hostname on Raspberry Pi

1. Setting up Raspberry Pi

  • Start with a fresh install of Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) on your Raspberry Pi.

2. Boot up and connect

  • Once you've booted up, connect to your Raspberry Pi either directly (using a monitor, keyboard, etc.) or SSH into it using its default hostname:

    ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

    Default password is usually raspberry.

3. Change the hostname

  • Once connected, edit the hostname file:

    sudo nano /etc/hostname
    • Replace the default name raspberrypi with your desired name. For this guide, we'll use krypgrund which means "crawlspace" in Swedish, you can use any name you like.
  • Next, update the hosts file:

    sudo nano /etc/hosts
    • Find the line that reads raspberrypi and change raspberrypi to krypgrund.

4. Reboot the Raspberry Pi

  • For the changes to take effect, reboot the Raspberry Pi:

    sudo reboot

5. Connect using the new hostname

  • After the reboot, you can now SSH into your Raspberry Pi using the new hostname:

    ssh pi@krypgrund.local

    Remember to use the password you've set previously.

6. All done!

  • Your Raspberry Pi is now accessible via the new hostname krypgrund.local.

Changing Default SSH Username on Raspberry Pi

1. Log into your Raspberry Pi

  • Start by SSHing into your Raspberry Pi using the default credentials:

    ssh pi@krypgrund.local

    Default password is usually raspberry.

2. Create a new user

  • Once logged in, add a new user called krypgrund:

    sudo adduser krypgrund
    • Follow the prompts to set a password and provide any additional information (or just press enter for defaults).

3. Grant the new user sudo privileges

  • To ensure the new user can perform administrative tasks, add them to the sudo group:

    sudo usermod -aG sudo krypgrund

4. Test the new user

  • Before making any further changes, SSH into the Raspberry Pi using the new user to ensure everything is working:

    ssh krypgrund@krypgrund.local

    Enter the password you set for krypgrund when prompted.

5. Disable the default pi user

  • For security reasons, it's a good idea to disable the default pi user once you're certain your new user works:

    sudo passwd -l pi

    This locks the pi account.

6. All done!

  • You've successfully changed the default SSH user. Now you can log in with:

    ssh krypgrund@krypgrund.local

Raspberry Pi DDNS Client Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to set up Dynamic DNS on your Raspberry Pi, which will keep your network accessible through a fixed hostname despite a changing public IP address.


  • A Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS
  • An internet connection
  • A DDNS account (e.g., No-IP)

Installation and Configuration

1. Update Your System

Ensure your Raspberry Pi is up to date:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

*2. Install DDclient

Install the ddclient package:

sudo apt install ddclient

*3. Configure DDclient

Install the ddclient package:

sudo nano /etc/ddclient.conf

Add your DDNS service configuration:

use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com/, web-skip=/"IP Address"/

Make sure to replace your_noip_login, /your_noip_password/, and your_noip_hostname with your actual No-IP credentials and hostname.

*4. Enable and Start the DDclient Service

Enable ddclient to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable ddclient

Start the ddclient service:

sudo systemctl start ddclient

*5. Testing the Configuration

Force an immediate update with:

sudo ddclient -force

Start the ddclient service:

*6. Check for Errors

Review the ddclient logs if needed:

grep ddclient /var/log/syslog