Represents a mono repository with services:
- Client - client.service
- Psychologist - psychologist.service
- Operator - operator.service
Service monitoring is carried out by prometheus
Install docker in containers
docker-compose up
To build each service separately, you need to go into the directory with the necessary service and perform:
make build
After the deployment of services, they will be available at the following addresses:
psychologist-service - http://localhost:9998
client-service - http://localhost:9999
operator-service - http://localhost:9997
services interact with each other on the internal network, you can change the ports for each of them, which will not affect the communication between services
By default, two databases postgresql are created for the service psychologist and client
psycholog - postgres://
clients - postgres://
services interact with each other on the internal network, you can change the ports for each of them, which will not affect the communication between services
Monitoring is carried out by means of prometheus which is available at:
prometheus - http://localhost:9090
Services are pre-registered in prometheus. The configuration file is located in the ./configs/prometheus.yml directory